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02-18 14:22
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[공략] 영웅전설2 하얀 마녀 in PSP (Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch) 본문


[공략] 영웅전설2 하얀 마녀 in PSP (Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch)

달의눈물 2014. 8. 16. 23:44

-The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch-

-By Robert "Robobvious" Hodgson Jr (
-Version 2.0-
<Table of Contents>

01. Notes to the Reader
02. Version History
03. Walkthrough
03.1 Prologue - Pilgrims
03.2 Chapter 1 - The Gems of Tegura
03.3 Chapter 2 - Battle of Bolt
03.4 Chapter 3 - Shadow
03.5 Chapter 4 - The Forest
03.6 Chapter 5 - A Lake Divided
03.7 Chapter 6 - The Prophecy
03.8 Chapter 7 - Journey's
03.9 Epilogue - Gueld
04. Level Guide
05. FAQ
06. In-Game History
07. Legal Stuff
<01. Notes to the reader>

This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on the American version of The
Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch.  The game
was released in America on June 20, 2006.

This game was published by Bandai and is made by Falcom.

This is the first guide I have ever written for a video game but I
worked very hard on it so it should be very helpful. If you have
any boss strategies, suggestions for changes, or questions that
aren't answered in the FAQ you can contact me at my E-mail
address which is written in the title. Also, whenever I enter a new
area I try to tell you if there are any enemies in the area that you
havn't faced before, if you find an instance in which I did not do
this please notify me, Although if the monster only appears in a
boss fight and does not naturally appear in the area then I don't
list it for that area. My In-Game History is 97% complete, I am missing
three facts, if you know what these facts are and what you have to do
to unlock it in the History please tell me. Also thank you for
choosing to use my guide and I hope it helps you.

-Sincerely, Robert Hodgson Jr.
<02. Version History>

\November 20, 2006/
-Version 1.0 Submitted complete Walkthrough and Notes to the
Reader to Gamefaqs.Com, the majority of the In-Game History,
FAQ, and Level Guide were submitted as well.-

\November 20, 2006/
-Version 1.1 submitted due to separation problems in v1.0.-

\November 21, 2006/
-Version 1.2 submitted due to same seperation problem.-

\December 04, 2006/
-Version 1.3 submitted, updated sites that have permission to use this

\December 04, 2006/
-Version 1.4 submitted with another update to sites allowed to use the

\January 05, 2007/
-Version 1.5 submitted with another update to sites allowed to use the

\January 15, 2007/
-Version 1.6 submitted with an update, apparently it IS possible to be
the 10,000th person to cross the Three City Bridge.-

\March 12, 2007/
-Version 1.7 submitted with the note added about the line break

\April 30, 2007/
-Version 1.8 submitted with the line break note removed because the
problem was fixed.-

\March 05, 2009/
-Version 1.9 submitted with an update to the In-Game History.-

\July 10, 2009/
-Version 2.0 submitted with another update to sites allowed to use the
<03. Walkthrough>
<03.1 Prologue - Pilgrims>

-Ragpick Village-
The game opens with Christina (a.k.a. Chris) talking with her
parents, then shifts to Jurio talking with his (His dad is kind of
mean). After the scene ends you have control of Jurio and your
father has given you the task of collecting Giant Boar meat.  So
head out of your house, go right and go up the sets of stairs you
see leading up that small hill to Chris's house. Her father will have
a little image above his head that looks like a notepad, talk to him
to add information to your History which is a log in the menu
screen that keeps track of things you discover in the game.
Sometimes you will read books to add to it, sometimes you will
talk to people to add to it, and other times things will be added to it
automatically as you progress through the game. Now, go to the
North of Jurios house.

-Ragpick Village, Village Outskirts-
You will find Grandpa Lap in his hut, talk to him to add more to
your History, now you should have 4% of it Completed.  Go south
to Ragpick Village.

-Ragpick Village-
Walk through the village and talk to the people if you want, once
your done go west of the village.

-Ragpick Village, West Fields-
Now you can enter your first battle, there is a boar walking around
near you, touch him to initiate a battle. Familiarize yourself with
the battle system in a few more fights, if you need to heal there is a
Cure in your inventory, also I suggest you save your game. When
your ready to move on with the game move to the northwest
corner of the screen. You should see Chris, move closer to start a
cutscene, when it ends you will begin fighting a Giant Boar.
Miniboss: Giant Boar
By the start of this battle your Power Meter should be full, this is
the meter that allows you to perform Finishing Moves, it fills up
with each attack. So if it's not full, attack the Giant Boar a few
until it is. Then use the only Finishing Move you have, Sword
Fang. It should kill him in one hit. Assuming you fought two or
three regular boars before you started this battle, you should level
Following the battle another cutscene will begin in which Chris
offers to help you carry the boar, after it ends go East back into
the village, if you get into a fight on the way you will realize Chris
can now help you fight enemies.

-Ragpick Village-
Another scene starts, Jurios father compliments him on getting
such a great boar, then insults him by saying how he thought
Jurio would give up, (I was right he IS mean), once your done
talking to them you will automatically walk to the mayors house.
He will ask you if you know what you will have to do, say No and
he'll explain what you do on a pilgrimage. After the scene ends go
back to your house. This will start another scene in which a
sendoff ceremony will be held, (Listen to the bards words, they
all have to do with your journey in this game) before they can
award the Silver Dagger to your party, a woman disguised as a
bard and her accomplice will steal it. But no worries Grandpa Lap
will have a run in with them and get it back for you, accidently it
would seem. Then the ceremony proceeds, Jurio and Chris say
goodbye to their families and the cutscene ends. Talk to the
villagers if you want, then go North.

-Ragpick Village, Village Outskirts-
Go into Grandpa Laps house, this will initiate a scene, he will give
Chris his old staff, and offer Jurio a pet, he has 3 you can choose
from, a cat, a dog, and a rabbit. If he offers you one you don't
want say No and he'll offer you a different one. Having a pet is a
good thing, they can find items for you on the ground, and do
things for you in battle, such as heal your party or increase your
party's defense in battle. I personally chose the rabbit since I think
it looks the best. Once the cutscene is over, equip Chris with
Grandpa Laps staff and continue by going North of the house and
then East past a blue haired person named Kilee.

-Green Fields-
There's only one place to go through here so follow the path East
and then South to initialize a cutscene in which you find out
Grandpa Lap was once a great magician and he saved a family
from a pack of Wolves. You should now have 6% of your History
complete. Go East after the cutscene ends.

-Steppingstone Pass-
You will encounter new enemies in this area, they are snails and
don't seem to be any tougher than Boars so don't worry too much
abouth them.  Try to get Chris to level 2 in this area assuming she
isn't already at level 2, if you need cure potions use Jurios Skill,
Steal. Also Chris can use a spell called Cure which has the same
effect as cure potions. Head North to the next area.

-Steppingstone Pass, Crossroads-
Go East down that slope to your right because the Rope Bridge is
broken. Fight a few monsters if you want then continue farther

-Crystal Lake-
Follow the Northern part of the screen East to a cave. Head inside.

-Gaza Caverns-
You will encounter new monsters in this area called Wood Crabs
but they are nothing you can't handle. Follow the path through
here, it's very straightforward until you come to a set of stairs,
take them up.  In this area you will encounter another new enemy
called Poopils. Only slightly worse than boars in my opinion, and
yet still very easy to defeat.  Anyways the path from here on is
still very straightforward, follow it to find the exit out of the cave.

-Crystal Lake, Rope Bridge-
Now that you have exited that cave head East from here to find
the Deane shrine.

-Deane Shrine-
Go East until you find a bridge then go North of the bridge into
the Shrine. Go into the room on your right side as you enter the
shrine and read the second bookshelf on the right to add to your
History making it 8% completed.  Now go into the top right room
and talk to Bashika to take a rest and fill up your HP and MP.
Once you've dont that go to the top left room and a scene will
begin. The Sage from Deane will explain many years ago the
remaining witches built the five shrines in Tirasweel, Witches
could use spells just by concentrating without memorizing spells
like the normal people need to do. Then he takes you into the
room of the Magic Mirror. When Chris and Jurio look into it they
see beautiful scenery but then, ominous dark clouds appear and a
void appears before the magic mirrors image ends. Once it ends
you will recieve a message that says Jurio can now use the water
spell Neraidea. After that Chris acts strangely for a moment and
your characters go to talk to the Sage. He disregards it as your fear
of what lies ahead on the Pilgrimage. The scene ends and if you
check your History you should have 9% complete. Now go see
the merchant in the bottom left room to buy cures, mind potions,
and stimulants if you need them, then proceed to leave the shrine
cross the bridge and exit to the west.

-Crystal Lake, Rope Bridge-
Go West across the rope bridge and then continue West.

-Steppingstone Pass, Crossroads-
Go West until you can't anymore then follow the path heading
North fighting any boars you see on the way.

-Crystal Lake Path-
Follow the path straight North fight any Boars you see on the way.

-Wavy Beach-
Go West through here fight a Poopil or some Wood Crabs if you
want then head West into a seperate part of the Beach. Now go
West and then North.

Head into the building to the North and go down the hallway to
initiate a scene with a girl named Cheryl. Afterwards go into the
building to the West of the one your in now if you want to buy
petfood for your pet, I recommend you do. Then head West a
screen then go into the Weapon and Armor shop. Buy an Insight
Dagger and a Lucky Vest for Jurio and get another Lucky Vest for
Chris, then equip these things on your characters and sell the
dagger, wooden staff, clothing, and cotton robes to the shop owner.
Now go East a screen and then North a screen to the docks.

-Raguna Docks-
A scene will start and when it ends Chris is gone. Go South a
screen back to Raguna.

Talk to the woman in the bar with a ! over her head. Then talk to
the old man in the building to the West of this one, he also has a !
over his head. Now go West a screen and talk to Cheryl in the
SouthWest building, now that you've talked to everyone else with
a ! the Weapon and Armor shop owner has had a ! appear over his
head. Talk to him and then go to the closed door in the other room
of his building.  A scene starts and you find out Chris was helping
two deserters of the Army, they were escaping when one of them
got sick, now Jurio has to get medicine for the sick person. So leave
the store, go East a screen, and enter the store just North of you.
Talk to the ! girl from across the table (you have to be on the other
side of the table when you talk to her) and then go give the
medicine to the two Deserters and exit the shop once the scene
ends. As you leave the shop another scene starts where Chris
suggests you visit her uncle named Huck, he is in the building
just across the road from the Weapon and Armor shop so head
over there. A scene starts where you talk with Huck until a boy
named Goch comes looking for money. Huck distracts him while
he makes a getaway to avoid paying up. After that Chris says you
must hurry because the ship is leaving. So Save your game then
head to the Docks.

-Raguna Docks-
Head North onto the boat.

-Hawk Talon-
A scene starts where you meet one of the shiphands, and he takes
you to meet the Captain of the ship, his name is Jilba. He says
you've brought good luck to the ship since you have the Silver
Dagger, He says you will have to work if you want to eat, (Stupid
Captain). You are shown to your room, where Chris messes with
Jurio a little. As the scene is about to end it shows some people
boarding the boat among them are Shirla and Goose, the thieves
who tried to steal the Silver Dagger. Not only that, (pause for
dramatic effect) but they have the room right next to yours! They
look in the room after you leave to see if you left it there but they
couldn't find it so they return to their room to figure out how to
get it from you. Then the scene ends and you are controlling
Jurio and must clean all the cabins. Go around the ship cleaning all
the rooms. when you've finished talk to the shiphand Bosray who
is at the bow of the ship (bow means front). Then go down the
nearby stairs and talk to Chris who is in the break area. A scene
will begin where nothing of great importance happens, then when
it ends head down to your room. Chris will catch Jurio examining
some "interesting" reading material to say the least (I guess this is
where that mild suggestive themes rating comes into play). Thus
day 1 on the Hawk Talon ends. Jurio and Chris have an arguement
in the morning in which Chris is acting very motherly, afterwards
Jurio goes to clean the deck, doing a little skating as he does so.
Then Bulto tells him about Galga a sea monster bigger than a
whale. Anyways once all the scenes end go to captain Jilbas
quarters, he isn't there, so go down to the floor that you room is on
and go towards the bow and talk to Bosray, he says you just
missed him so now go to the deck of the ship and you will find him
at the bow. He will let you watch out for other ships, as you do so,
several scenes will occur. First Chris will come to get the laundry,
then the couple who came on the boat will come ask you to take
them to Captain Jilba, when you do the couple tell the captain that
they think a thief is on board, for their coat and pocketwatch have
dissapeared. Once the scene ends talk to the captain once more
since he has a !, then go into the Galley (that means Kitchen) to
start a scene, Chris and Jurio will change their clothes then go to
the thieves door which has a ! over it, after that go to Mr. Hestons
room, Mr. Heston is the rich man who offered Jurio his Gold
Brooch as a tip. (The way he acts makes me think he might be
one of the thieves too, guess we'll just have to wait and see.) Now
go into your cabin to start a scene, Chris asked Jurio if they should
leave the Silver Dagger there but Jurio decides to keep it with him
(No one gives him enough credit). Now go past the thieves cabin
and the empty one to the ships storage area and talk to Bosray
who has a ! there. This starts a scene in which you'll find your
Uncle Huck on board! Bosray will come up the stairs saying he
found the fish with large bite marks on it. The Captain says he
won't charge Huck for stowing away as long as they don't have
any other problems with him while on board. After the scene go
to the bookshelf The couple in the Roudo wanted notice must be
Goose and Shirla and I believe the other thief may in fact be Mr.
Heston. Now you, the Captain, and a sailor go to the thieves room
to confront them, go to the Captains Quarters (room) and check the
! to see there are no more Motion Sickness Pills, then go back to
the captain and tell him, he'll tell you to get some from the ships
hold. So talk to Bosray to make him move out of the way then go
down the stairs. You'll face a new enemy down here it is called a
Giant Rat although I think it looks like a beaver wearing a tree
branch like a coat, there are a total of three. So once you've found
the motion sickness pills go upstairs. When you come upstairs you
will find Bosray unconcious, come to think of it, the whole crew is
asleep! Go to the Bow of the ship and talk to Garton who has a !
over his head. This will start a scene in which you must choose
different responses the first is "Stealing belongings" the second
answer is "A coat and a watch" the third is "Drugged the tea" and
the fourth answer is "Wealthy Mr. Heston". Now go down below
deck and ran past the break area to the hallway that goes into Mr.
Hestons room. You will spot him but then he will run off, so go up
the other stairs to the deck and hed to the stern (the back of the
boat). Just as Heston is about to make his escape Goose lassoes the bag
he has and roped in the stuff he stole! Heston jumps overboard to
swim to a boat he has waiting somewhere nearby while Goose and
Shirla try to make off with the goods. Jurio chases Shirla then Chris
gets in front of her and she becomes trapped, but the she throws
the bag over Chris's head to Goose. The chase continues for a while
until everyone remembers no one is steering the ship. So they go to
get Uncle Huck who tells them what to do. Finally after a long night
they see the coastline of Menarth. When Jurio and Chris awaken
from their exhaustion induced sleep, they are congratulated by
Captain Jilba and given 200 Piers as thanks.

Move into the building and go to the woman at the table, this will
start a short scene where she will ask if you have anything to
declare (I think she means make some kind of an anouncement),
and she will realize you are pilgrims and therefore probably don't
have anything to declare, and then she will mention that there is a
famine. Anyways, after that go south to the Weapon and Armor
shop thats next to the bridge that crosses the river. Buy a Wooden
Sheild for Jurio and a Ruby staff for Chris. After that go south and
buy some jerky then cross the bridge, a green haired boy name
Kai will run into you thus knocking the Silver Dagger into the
river. He will offer to help but Chris, being so kind says that he
can run along. You spend a moment looking at the river then you
must go east, and then south inbetween two houses to examine
the river further down, move up next to it to have Jurio say
something then go back to the bridge. A scene will start in which
one of you mentions "trouble" and suddenly tons of people come
running! Jurio says he is sure he dropped the dagger into the river
and everyone splits up to find it, one man named Jean even
jumps in! (I hope he can swim.) Kai finds it very close to the
bridge, and then when everyone is gathered on the bridge again
he says to stop by his house. Spend a night at the Inn if you want
which is the house just north of the towns exit. After that go south
to Kai's house to get a white stone from him, equip it to your
characters along with the equipment you bought from the weapon
and armor shop if you didn't equip it already. Once that's done
exit the town to the east.

-Tide Path-
Follow the path South and then Eastward into the next area of Tide
Path, and fight a few monsters along the way but if your level 4 by
now I would say thats unnecessary. In the next area follow the
path North to Arude.

Once here go North to the Arude Weapon and Armor shop to
buy a Short Sword for Jurio and Silk Robes for both of them, after
you equip these sell Jurios Insight Dagger and the two Lucky
Vests before you exchange any Gores you have for Piers. Go to the
house North of the Weapon and Armor shop, there talk to the !
person. He will say the Ice Drifts that came early and the Seals on
the docks are stopping him from taking his boat out. There's nothing
else to do here so head south.

-Tide Path-
Go South all the way then go East a screen.

-Pine Fields-
Follow the path here to find an old man with a !, talk to him to learn
he sprained his ankle. So he asks you to fetch his son Tobai from
Arude. Say "yes" and head back along the path.

-Tide Path-
You know which way to go from here.

Go behind the Weapon and Armor shop to find Tobai's house. Talk
to him to start a scene in which the three of you hurry back to the
landslide site.

-Pine Fields-
The scene continues with Tobai telling his father that he shouldn't
have gone to the rockslide, and the oldman (Grandpa Miguel) says
he doesn't want to be preached to by a coward who won't fish just
because there are Seals. After that you wind up back at Arude.

Grandpa Miguel says that he told his son to get you to Negar Island
at all costs, he should be waiting at the dock for you.

-Arude Docks-
Go to the end of the dock. Tobai will yell to you to come over to the
boat without waking up the Seals, but the fool yells so loud they
wake up. So head back to town.

Go to the inn and talk to the guy with the ! over his head. He will
give you Seals Food, and then you can buy items from him. Buy
Sapphie Vol. 1 if you want. Then go to the docks.

-Arude Docks-
Move right and Jurio will throw the Seals food and you'll "run" to
the boat.

-Taratta Deck-
After the scene go below deck on the nearmost stairs for a bite to

-Taratta Interior-
Go into the rooms to the left and read the book at the bookcase.
By the way your History should have 16% completion now. Now
talk to Tobai and then go up to the deck.

-Taratta Deck-
 Go to the bow of the boat to have Jurio say it's his favorite part of
the boat, then go to the mast to have Chris say it's her favorite part
of the boat. Then walk along the starboard side of the boat. Chris
and Jurio will see something and Tobai will come up to see what
all the commotions about. It appears its the sea monster Galga. A
cutscene starts which signifies the end of the Prologue - Pilgrims.
<03.2 Chapter 1 - The Gems of Tegura>

-Taratta Deck-
Everyone is on deck watching the huge monster Galga (Doesn't it
seem weird that Captain Jilba needs a whole crew to run his ship
and Tobai runs an equally large ship by himself?). Tobai says
maybe Negar Island was attacked by Galga. Jurio spots someone
running a small boat off the Port side but he sails away. So then
the boat arrives on Negar Island.

-Tegura Docks-
Tobai asks how you'll get home, since Galga attacked he doesn't
think you will be able to get a bot back, since you'll only take a day
or two to go to the shrine and come back he says he'll wait for you.
By the way you should have 18% completion on your History now.

-Negar Island-
Head right to start a scene after which go East.

Go into the nearby building to buy Sapphie Vol. 2 from the woman
on the left if you want it also buy any healing items you want or
pet food if your running out. Then go East to where a man is
standing in what was once a house, now its just three walls, go
North from there to find two old people in their house. Talk to the
old man with the notepad over his head to make your History have
20% completion. Now exit Tegura to the North.

-Negar Island-
You'll encounter new monsters in this area, stone apes and scout
birds. Follow the path until it splits into two, then head East
fighting the monsters along the way.

-Tegura Shrine-
Go into the shrine itself and enter the Southwestern most room and
read from the ! bookshelf. After you finish reading the old man will
ask if you'd seen the magic mirror, when you say no he will
ask you to tell them what you saw once your done. Now go North
a screen to find the Sage from Tegura, he will give you a short
history lesson about the magic mirrors saying about 20 years ago
the general public began visiting them, and until then only villagers
on pilgrimage or witches on pilgrimage visited the shrines. A
cutscene will begin where Seagulls are flying over, well, the Sea of
course. So then Galga appears and makes huge waves crash onto
the shore. Then a strange red light appears on the screen and then
it ends. Talk to the Sage then go south. You will automatically talk
to the old man, once your done head West.

-Negar Island-
Follow the path West then South to Tegura.

Go to the Southeastern most building and talk to the ! old man. He
says his grandson Lodi must have left alone to find Galga, he was
the man Jurio spotted in the small one man boat. He was going to
get revenge on Galga, because his father and him went fishing
with Lodi once, and Galga attacked them and killed Lodi's father.
Grandpa Kebin explains that Galga is normally a peaceful creature
but occasionally becomes violent as if possessed. The devastation
of Tegura was caused by another of Galgas violent episodes.
Miraculously Lodi survived the attack that took his fathers life and
he washed up on shore three days later. Ever since he's wanted
revenge on Galga. As soon as he was able to use swords Lodi left
his grandfather Kebin. Once the conversation switches away from
 Lodi, Kebin asks you to go to the peat swamp and bring back the
jewels for him. He is a maker and salesman of Jewelry.Say "Yes" to
help him and then he'll say the peat swamp is in the bottom of the
mines, he says not to touch any overly large jewels though because
they could explode. Go North now.

-Negar Island-
Go North, following the left side of the road will take you right to
the mine entrance.

-Tegura Mines Level 1-
Follow the path that goes off to the right past a wheelbarrow and
some sacks until it splits off into two paths, one going up and one
going right. If you go right you will reach a dead end, going up it
will initiate a scene where Chris says it's dark and she asks Jurio if
he's scared, he says he isn't but Chris thinks he's lying. Now the
path that was leading up splits into two more paths follow the left
one and when this path splits again take the path that splits off to
the North. Continue along here past some more wheelbarrows into
a larger area, just walk to the East along the Northern wall and you
will come to some stairs, once you find them descend them.

-Tegura Mines Level 2-
Go West from the stairs and follow the path, it's straightforward so
there's no way for you to get lost. Once you've gone far enough a
scene will begin where Jurio points out the swamp, there are three
Crimson Fire jewels you need to find in the Peat swamp and they
are all marked with a red !, if you find a grey ! its one of the
exploding ones that have grown too big, but don't worry they won't
explode if you find them, Jurio and Chris will realize it's too big and
they'llleave it alone. So once you've found all three of the Crimson
Fires you can start to leave. But *gasp*! An Earthquake hits, (you
didn't really think it would be that easy did you?) the Earthquake
causes a cave in, thus blocking the exit. Go to the land thats sticks
up out in the center of the Peat Swamp to start a scene, once it ends
go back and examine the spot thats blocking the exit now to start
another scene. At the end of the scene go get that large Crimson
Fire in the peat swamp, now it has a red !. Once the scene ends and
you can finally leave head along the path and, oh no! Yep, it's
another landslide, better go tell the miners. Near the end of the
scene they say that if that landslide was caused by the explosion
there might be openings that were made by it. So once the scene
ends go south to the edge of the Peat Swamp then West to where
theres another path to the left of the one that leads to the blocked
off exit. Jurio will notice sand dropping in from the ceiling, Jurio
thinks it's interesting but Chris gets worried it means the ceiling
could collapse again! Better go tell the nearby miner.

-Tegura Mines Level 1-
Once the scene ends head East, then South, then West to find the

-Negar Island-
Phew, nice to finally be out of there. From here head South all the
way back to Tegura.

Now that your back in town go to the Southeast corner and talk to
Grandpa Kebin who once again has a !. As thanks for retrieving the
three gems for him he gives you 100 Piers and a Crimson Fire. Now
you may finally head back to Tegura Docks, so exit the town through
the West exit.

-Negar Island-
Head West and fight any monsters you spot on the path on your

-Tegura Docks-
Talk to the brown haired ! girl in the storage warehouse to start a
scene. Emena and Inta will board the boat with Jurio and Chris
after Inta says goodbye to his friend Rimu.

-Taratta Deck-
The scene continues and Tobai suggests you go inside due to cold
Sea Breezes. But Chris and Jurio keep talking out on deck well
Emena and Inta proceed inside. Jurio asks Chris if she had any
idea what the Moonlight Witch was like, some people blame her
for bad happenings while others praise her for their good crops.
Chris says she tends to associate witches with mean old women, but
she thinks the Moonlight Witch had a good heart. Anyway then the
scene ends so I suggest you save your game and then head below

-Taratta Interior-
Go into the room where everyone is gathered to find out that Inta
is seasick luckily you still have the motion sickness pills that
Captain Jilba gave you. Once he's had one Inta will be up and around in
no time. You can head up onto the deck now.

-Taratta Deck-
Talk to Inta who has a ! over his head, to learn that he's playing
Captain Thomas. Anyways then check the spot where a new ! has
appeared to start a scene.

-Wedge Peninsula-
Once the scene ends go West.

-Pine Fields-
Go West to the road then go South a screen. Follow the path on this
screen South and then East to start a scene. Once it's over go North
to Tituta.

Go to the Weapon and Armor shop and buy a Flame Dagger for
Jurio and sell his Short Sword. Then go East all the way so your
walking along the edge of the seaside cliff, from here walk North
and talk to that man from the scene you saw outside of Tituta (his
name's Alf) who has a ! over his head. Once the scene has finished
you should exit the town.

-Pine Fields-
Go South and talk to the two ! guards. Try to walk inbetween them,
they will stop you and say you should go back to Tituta so you
might as well, head North.

Go back to where Alf is standing and talk to him, because once
again he has a !, this will start a scene. (Man, Chris is rude).

-Pine Fields-
Once the scene ends go East a screen.

-Jewel Road-
You'll face a new enemy in this area called a Biter Wolf. If Jurio
and Chris aren't level 6 yet fight the monsters in this area until
they are then continue East a screen. Read the sign here to initiate
a short scene, afterwards have three fights in this area then head
South all the way and then go East un til you can't anymore, then
follow the path North. When you see an old man talk to him to
initiate a scene, once it's over continue along the path and enter

The building to the South of the road is sort of segmented into to
parts, enter the right part and talk to the old lady to add to your
history, Now you should have 25% completion. Now the building to the
right of this one is also segmented enter the right part, thats the
Weapon and Armor shop, this is going to be expensive so you might
need to fight some more battles but buy 1 Iron Sword, 2 Moonlight
Robes, and a Steel Spear. Equip the Iron Sword and one of the
Moonlight Robes on Jurio, then put the other Moonlight Robe on
Chris, and of course equip the Steel Spear on Alf. Then sell all your
old equipment to the Arms dealer. Now go East a screen and enter the
house with all the Soldiers in it to start a scene. After that go west
screen and go into the Goods Store and talk to the soldier standing in
front of the desk. After the scene buy Sapphie Vol. 3 from the store
owner. Now go East a screen again and go as far East through here as
can to trigger a scene in which, you will see Lodi but he takes off in
his boat again. So keep going East to see an old man with a ! talk to
him. After your finished try to exit the town through the South exit
but a ! soldier is in the way, talk to him to be able to pass him.

-Jade Road-
In this area you will face new monsters called Poison Squirrels, so
level Chris in this area so she learns cure poison because the poison
squirrels are of course, poisonous. Now take the path on the right
thats leading South. Eventually you will wind up on another screen,
follow the path, fighting a few monsters along the way and eventually
you will see a man walking along the path talk to him to find out he's
a trader so if you need anything you can buy it from him. Continue on
and read the sign, Congratulations your halfway there! Continue along
the path to the next area.

-Topaz Beach-
Continue West through here to initiate a scene in which you will
meet Lodi, in fact he'll join your party. Now head South a screen into
another section of Topaz Beach. In this area you will meet new
enemies, Horned Squirrels, and Land Penguins (Penguins are so
cool!). Head South, fight a few monsters and go South a screen.

-Lapis Road-
Go South until you see a sign, if you read it you will find out that
Tyuyell is just South of you (This calls for a parade! But I don't
eithier of us have that kind of money so instead go buy a party hat).

Once the scene ends go to the Weapon and Armor shop just South
of you. Buy 1 Iron Sword, 1 Silver Staff, 2 Small Shields, and 2
Moonlight Robes. Then equip the Small Shield on Jurio, the Silver
Staff on Chris, a Moonlight Robe on Alf, the Iron Sword the Small
Shield and the Moonlight Robes on Lodi. Go West to the Southwestern
most building and talk to the ! old manand then save. Go to the
building in the Northeastern most part of town and go inside, you
will find a hallway in the building that leads North a screen.

-Tyuyell Shelter-
Go right all the way past the woman at the desk and talk to the
man with the notepad over his head and then go back to the girl at
the desk and go North a screen.

-Tyuyell Docks-
Go North past the goods stacked in crates and barrels and talk to
the man with the !. Then Go South a screen.

-Tyuyell Shelter-
From here go South another screen.

Go to the house of that old man you talked to before, talk to the ! old
woman. Then try to enter the house thats just North of you to start a
scene. Then leave through the towns West Exit.

-Twin Dragon Valley-
Go West and then North a screen. Follow this path North and then
West a screen. Once the scene ends continue along the path to start
another scene after which Chapter 1 - The Gems of Tegura ends.
<03.3 Chapter 2 - Battle of Bolt >

-Tolz Road-
In this area you will face new enemies including Rock Apes and
Needle Dresses. Fight the enemies you see along the path as you
go South a screen. Follow the path South, then East, then South
again.Anyways just keep following the path it's all straightforward,
eventually a scene will start.

After the scene go behind the building to the North of you and talk
to the brown haired boy to recieve a free copy of Sapphie Vol. 4.
Go to the building South of you and talk to the man that lives there
he will ask you what game he should play at the casino, tell him
he shouldn't play at all. Go East along the path, when you see a
blue haired boy talk to him to start a short scene. After that go to
the Weapon and Armor shop which is further East from here, and
then buy two Hemp Capes. one for Jurio and one for Lodi, don't
forget to equip them. Then, from the Weapon and Armor shop go
to the building North of you, talk to the old lady and rest at the inn.
Then go North to the casino. Go upstairs and talk to Roule who is
playing roulette and has a !. Afterwards leave the casino and follow
the path East and then follow it North a screen. Go around to the
back of the house to find two kids and start a scene. Go follow
them to start another scene in which the kids say they snuck
around back to see the big house, and that one of the soldiers out
front gave them a dirty look as if they were thieves. So Chris yells
at the guard who then starts crying (hehe, what a wimp of a soldier).
Now go to the second floor of the casino and talk to the blue haired
man at the head of the roulette table who has a !. Whether you
pick red or black it doesn't matter, same goes for the second time
you have to choose. A horrific scene of deplorable gambling
ensues thats so horrific and deplorable I won't go into the details
sufice to say the guy cheats and you lose all your money and the
Silver Dagger. The scene continues for awhile then when it ends
your at that inn I told you to rest at earlier. Go talk to the brown
haired guy. After the scene find the stairs and go left to take another
set of stairs to the third floor. Move over to the white haired dude
at the table. Grab a bag of lentil seeds from any of the boxes and
go South back to the town itself. Now go to where the Weapon
and Armor shop is. Now head west, inbetween the building to
 the left of the Weapon and Armor shop and the building to the
left of that, is a path leading South out of town, take it.

-Poison Swamp Area-
In this area you will face new enemies including Blue Horn Frogs,
Power Moles and Crusher Beetles. Go South through here to see a
monster go over to it to start a fight. Once thats over a scene starts,
once it's over continue going South until you see a river to your
left, go over to the wooden board that looks like it used to be part
of a bridge. Walk over the board and you will be able to get into
the river and avoid any more battles on your way. The river is
very straight forward just continue along it until you reach Dartu.

Continue following the river, until you see a little wooden dock,
you can walk onto it to get out of the river. From the dock go
directly North to the building with the old man wearing the red hat
to start a scene. Afterwards go East a screen and enter the first
building you see to the South. Talk to the white haired old
blacksmith and buy two steel swords and equip them on Jurio and
Lodi, then sell their old swords. Now go West a screen and then
North a screen.

-Poison Swamp Area-
A scene starts once your here when it ends poke around the water
to find and check the ! to find the Kitara.

After the ominous and depressing scene talk to Torova and then
talk to the Mayor to find out Grandma Crowa lives upstream, off to
the right at the point where two rivers merge. So leave Dartu to the

-Poison Swamp Area-
Go over the bridge and then go East a screen. Follow the path over
another bridge, then go right and go over yet another bridge. Go
North from this bridge to come to the last bridge which leads to her
house. Talk to the green haired ! boy who is fishing. Then go inside
and talk to ! Grandma Crowa, twice. Then go outside and talk to the
boy again to start a scene that will take you back to Dartu.

You should turn up the volume on you PSP if it's not at maximum
because the Kitara can be hard to hear, but it does sound pretty
energetic and fun. So now you can leave the village through the
North exit.

-Poison Swamp Area-
Go back to Grandma Crowa's house again and talk to her to add to
your history. Check your History to see that you have 32% complete.
Now walk back to Dice through the Swamp.

A scene will start in which the silver haired man calls Roule Ramone
and Roule calls him Thomas, remember the book you read onboard
the Taratta called Captain Thomas? Haha, thats kind of a cool twist,
anyway go to the inn and rest, then buy any items you need and
exit Dice to the West

-Road of Dreams-
Go South a screen. In this area you will fight new monsters including
Flaming Sybils, and Lancerta Dragons. Continue going South to
start a scene. Anyways after the scene go South again until the path
starts to turn East, then just keep following it that way.

-Three City Bridge-
*NOTE: I've been informed (by Chi21) that if you hurry on the bridge
you can be the 10,000th person to cross and win a small prize*

Follow the path to the entrance to the Three City Bridge, thus
starting a scene. Talk to the guard and say your going to Ambisch.
Just follow the bridge it is very straightforward. Eventually a scene
will start, when its finished continue on your way. Eventually
another scene will start congratulations you are the 10,001st person
to cross the bridge, for doing so you get, absolutely nothing! The
guy who was ahead of you got a prize. Anyways go East a screen.

-Dotta Fortress-
Go talk to the blondish haired woman to buy Sapphie Vol. 5 from
her. Then try to go east but the ! gaurd won't let you through, make
sure you talk to him twice then start to walk North to start a scene
(dirty Jurio lol). Afterwards go to the Southeast corner of the
and talk to Passin the guy who got the 10,000th person prize. He
says the guard at the East gate is short tempered and if you make
him angry enough to chase you you could lead him away from the
door. So go over to the guard and talk to him then run around the
guard tower that Chris had climbed up before, and get to the
unguarded gate.

-Elza Beach-
You will encounter a new enemy in this area called a Beach Kargess.
Try to level to 14 here. Once you've done that head East a screen.
Follow the path to start a scene.

After the scene go East a screen and go into the soldiers mess hall to
talk to the ! green haired kand master Magisa. Then go talk to King
Alfred in his tent. When you leave the tent a short scene occurs,
afterwards go all the way North to the beach and then go East a
screen. Continue going East past the guard on the outpost, then
Southeast to talk to the ! guard. Then go back to town and walk up
to Alf to start a scene. Afterwards heal your characters, refill their
magic, and save your game. Then head Southeast to where Alf is to
start a scene during which, I realized Chris is insane. Anyways after
all the scenes have ended go to your menu, save and then you can
start the battle!
Boss: Bazera and 2x Bazeminions
Bazera has around 1500-2000 HP while the Bazeminions have
roughly 300 HP each. Use everyones finishing moves on Bazera
first. Then while your waiting for your power gauges to fill up,
attack the Bazeminions. Have Chris be your primary healer with
her spells.
Once you've defeated Bazera, Chapter 2 - Battle of Bolt will end.
Congratulations you've taken another step closer to beating the
<03.4 Chapter 3 - Shadow>

After the scene equip the Magic Ring +2 on Jurio so his spells will be
stronger. Then you should buy anything you need around town,
cure potions, mind potions, and petfood if you need any of it. Then
leave the town through the South exit.

-Serpent's Backbone-
Here you will face a new enemy called the Fanged Wolf. Fight all
the enemies you see on your way South, or at least fight enough to
reach level 15. Anyways just keep following the path and eventually
you shall reach Igunis Shrine.

-Igunis Shrine-
Follow the path to the building itself. Go into the room on the left
and examine the ! notepad bookshelf. Read the other ones two for
interesting occurences. Also the blond haired girl has Sapphie Vol. 6
buy a copy. Then go to the shrine itself to watch the scene in the
magic mirror. You'll see beautiful stars but then you see a shadow
(of a man?). Anyways once all the scenes are done go talk to everyone
then check your history to see you have 37% completion. Exit the
area through the Southwest exit.

-Serpent's Backbone-
Head South go West a screen.

-Serpent Fields-
Follow the path, fighting until you reach level 16, then go West a
screen. Continue West another screen.

-Amdera Castle Town-
Go West to the Weapon and Armor shop and buy a Master's Knife
for Jurio and a Staff of Light for Chris. Equip them on your characters
and then sell Jurios Steel Sword and Chris's Silver Staff. Now go to
the building South of the Weapon shop and talk to the white haired
old man inside. Then go around past the tool shop and talk to the
brown haired man at the corner of the building to start another
comedic scene. Then go North of the Weapon and Armor shop and
enter the building to the left of the chapel dogfood store and talk to
the girl inside. Once that short scene ends talk to the blue haired
in front of the building. Then go find the bar and talk to the !
bartender then talk to the old man at the table (poor comedically
senile old man). Go to the river just South of the tool shop and talk
to the green haired boy, it's Rio (weird kid). Now follow the path
West to see Rio outside of his grandmothers house talk to him for a
laugh or two and then go North to talk to the two guards who are
guarding the North exit. Then head North a screen.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Go North the guards will give you directions as you pass them and
a scene will start.

-Castle Amdera 2nd Floor-
Once the scene ends look around if you want and enter the audience
room. Another scene will start (I won't spoil it for you) once it has
ended go down to the first floor.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Visit Lodi. Now talk to the ! guard in the room North of Lodi's.
Now go upstairs again.

-Castle Amdera 2nd Floor-
Go to your room and talk to the ! maid. Then go West onto the
balcony and talk to ! Queen Jorina. Then follow the balcony as far
South as it will go then go East into the castles library. Read all the
books and talk to the ! old man. Now go down a floor (again).

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Go into the kitchen and talk to the ! chef. Now go upstairs again.

-Castle Amdera 2nd Floor-
Go into your room to take a rest. Once the scene ends go downstairs.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Exit the castle and go to the town.

-Amdera Castle Town-
Go to the bar and talk to the bartender Domingo. Then go to the
beds to rest (finally). A scene will start with the shy guard and maid,
(as soon as it started I realized what was about to happen). After the
scene talk to the old man. As you leave the bar the Castle chef will
show up and a scene will start.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Talk to Lodi and then after the other scenes are done go to the
second floor.

-Castle Amdera 2nd Floor-
Talk to the librarian to get a cookbook, the ingredients listed to
make tomato stew are Tomato puree, onions, carrots, celery,
potatoes, red sauce, garlic, olive oil, spices, and rock salt. Then
to the queen who is still on the balcony, go into the room across the
hall from the throne room and talk to the maid to get the curry spice.
Talk to Magisa in the room across from the balcony. Now go down
a floor.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Go talk to Chris to find out that you have Olive Oil, Rock Salt,
Cabbages, and Curry Spice. So go South to town.

-Amdera Castle Town-
Talk to the girl in the house to the East of you. Then talk to the blue
haired boy in the house East of that one. Now follow the path South
past the Weapon and Armor shop and talk to the brown haired girl
and then talk to the blue haired boy in the building South of you,
then talk to the brown haired man in fron of this building. The
enter the building with the brown and white haired men inside, talk
to both of them. Then talk to the blond girl in the building West of
this one to get several items. Now enter the building West of you to
get Sour Cream. Go into the house West of that and then the building
North of that one. Then talk to Domingo the bar owner. Then go
into the Northwestern most house and talk to the blue haired boy
inside. Go North to the castle.

-Castle Amdera 1st Floor-
Give everything to Chris. The ingredients you should have now are
tomato puree, onions, carrots, celery, potatoes, red sauce, garlic,
olive oil, spices, rock salt, beef, fish and shellfish, cabbages,
demiglace, beets, sour cream, saffron, curry spice, coconut milk, and
yogurt. She will ask you what you think she should cook, pick one
at random. After the scene talk to Alf then go into the room where
the stairs to the second floor are and look under the table.
Afterwards go into the kitchen and talk to Alf. Then go talk to Lodi.
Then examine the bottom left bed. This will start a very long series
of scenes. Afterwards exit the castle to the South.

-Amdera Castle Town-
Go to the Weapon and Armor shop and buy the Staff of Light for
Morrison and sell any of the extra items you have leftover from old
characters but keep your accessories. Equip the Thomas' Medal and
Magic Ring+2 on Jurio, a Hemp Cape and the Power Ring +1 on
Chris, and the Veteran's Cape and a Hemp Cape on Morrison along
with the Staff of Light you just bought. Go buy some petfood if you
need it, along with some curing items, then go sleep for free at the
inn. Then exit town through the West exit.

-Amdera Road-
Follow the path West and then North a screen. Continue to follow it
North to trigger a short scene and then follow it West a screen.

-Dotta Fortress-
Enter the fortress itself to trigger a short scene with that guard you
got past earlier. Then enter the little building to see Shinon, the
woman you met who was entering Ragpick village to see Lap when
you left. Head West onto the bridge.

-Three City Bridge-
Just walk along the bridge eventually a scene will occur. Afterwards
continue on. Ignore the dissapearing man and continue on to the
guard for another scene (Hmm, thats most likely not good).
Anyways continue to the next area.

-Road of Dreams-
Follow this path until you reach a sign, go West from here.

-Wind Valley Checkpoint-
Congratulations! To enter Oldos you get to... fill out paperwork!
Nah just kidding, show the only free worker your Silver Dagger.
Then go wait in the waiting room its the Southwest room of the
building. After the scene go West.
<03.5 Chapter 4 - The Forest>

-Forest of Tranquility-
In this area you will face new enemies including Helper Bee's and
Commando Bird's. After the scene equip any accessories you might
have onto Goose, I gave him a Hemp Cape and a White Stone. As
long as your here you might as well level up so fight any monsters
you see. Head West a screen once you've beaten all the monsters
here. Kill all the monsters in this area and then follow the path West
and then North a screen, ignore the path that splits off West. Just
follow the path North through here.

Go into the Weapon and Armor shop here to buy 3 Fleeting Robes,
Morrison already has some so equip them on Jurio, Chris, and
Goose. If you don't have enough money try unequipping your
characters current armor and see if you will have enough once you
sell it. If you still don't have enough re-equip their armor and go
fight some more monsters. Then go to the Northwest building in
town and talk to the blue haired man. Then talk to the Mayor. Now
go just North of the Northwestern most building to see someone
looking at the view from up on the lookout. Go talk to him, it's Joy
from Raguna. He says Pad is on the lookout on the opposite side of
town. If you have any characters that aren't level 18 yet you can use
the inn here for free then go fight monsters to level. Also I noticed
this while I was looking around in town, if you open your map in
town the only thing it will show is Tonerico and the Forest of
Deception North of it. Also, if you open it outside of town the town
will no longer be on the map, nor will the Forest of Deception.
Anyways it does not seem there is anything else to do here now so
leave through the South exit.

-Forest of Tranquility-
Follow the path South through here. Follow this path South until it
branches off West. Continue West into Shifool.

Go into the nearby tool shop and buy Sapphie Vol. 7 if you don't
have it already. Go into the tavern and talk to the bartender and the
old man. Go into the house West of the bar and talk to the brown
haired girl and the blue haired boy, rest here. Now go to the West
exit of town and talk to ! Pebra, the man who is blocking the exit.
Now go through the North exit.

-Castle Shifool-
Talk to the two ! guards and head North into the castle itself. Go
West at this intersection of hallways ang go into the far room to talk
to the queen, then talk to the chef in the near room to learn the
Sages taste in food has changed recently. Hmm, sounds to me like
somethings fishy here, and I don't mean the Sages dinner. Now go
North from the intersection of hallways and talk to the ! king. Now
save your game and heal then go outside of the castle and go to the
West corner of the castle to see the sage. Talk to him to start a

Go West through here sticking to the path so you don't get lost.
Eventually it will split into two, one going North one going East,
take the one going East. Continue to follow the path and you will
reach the Sage. A scene will start and his true identity will be
revealed, it's the man who dissapeared on the three city bridge!
Wizard Kajim!
Miniboss:  2x Gilbazera's
The Gilbazera's have around 300 Hp each so don't waste a Finishing
Move on them, just use regular attacks and they will be dead in 3-4
You will have to fight Kajim next but it doesn't matter what you do
you will lose no matter what so don't waste your finishing moves.
After the fight a scene starts, once it ends go North to the castle.

-Castle Shifool-
Go to the intersection of hallways and go East into the empty room
there. to start yet another scene.
Boss: Wizard Kajim and 2x Gilbazera's
Wizard Kajim has roughly 800-900 Hp and the Gilbazera's have
about 300 Hp each. Use regular attacks on the Gilbazera's until they
are dead. Then use everyone's finishing moves on Kajim, you may
need to use Chris's La Cure spell once or twice in the battle.
A scene starts where they look in the magic mirror and see a
beautiful scene with trees by a lake and some kind of glowing
butterfly dissapearing and reapearing as it flew over the lake, then
an animal appeared like a buffalo or a buck and the moonlight
witch appeared beside it and then they both dissapeared.

After the scene, rest at that womans house in town. Save your
game, stock up on items, and exit town to the South.

-Grace Mountains-
In this area you will face new enemies called Red Fin Frog's,
Compee's, and Mirage Karimeg's. Head South fighting all the
monsters you see along the way. Eventually a short scene will start
where Jurio notices Chris is pale, continue on fighting all the
monsters you see as you continue South a screen. From here take
the path South and then East a screen, you can avoid the battles in
this area.

-Angora Road-
In this area you will face new enemies including Poisoned Rats and
Killer Bears. Fight battles here until all of your characters are at
least level 20. Then go East a screen.

-Sacred Gate-
Here buy two Broad Swords from the trader, equip them on Jurio
and Goose. Don't forget to sell their old swords. Then go talk to the
guard at the gate.

-Oldos Town Area-
Exit the building go South and then go West a screen. Go South
over a bridge then head East around the houses to the windmills,
the doctor is there. After the scene go back to the screen you found
the doctor on. Once again, go West a screen from the building Chris
and Goose are in. The person your looking for is in the Northwestern
most part of this screen. Talk to the woman in her house and then
go give the book to the doctor. Afterwards talk to the man at the
desk downstairs to rest, then exit town to the West.

-Sacred Gate-
Exit to the West.

-Angora Road-
Go South from here into Torif.

-Torif Checkpoint-
Go through here, talk to the ! guard and continue on.

-North Heats Road-
In this area you will encounter new enemies such as Blue Mantis's
and Copper Crabs. Start walking South you will start a scene in
which Jurio spots Shirla, during the scene she joins you to help
Goose. Equip Flleting Robes on her. Now go South a screen. From
here go South and when you see the sign go West a screen. Now
follow the path through here to reach Haizen.

-Haizen, Castle Town-
Your just passing through here on you way to Riz's. Use the South

-North Heats Road-
Just follow the path South through this area.

-Riz's House-
Go inside and examine her pet bear named bang bang, and then talk
to Riz. There was a small joke in this scene, in the first Legend of
Heroes game A Tear of Vermillion, a girl dropped her stuffed
animal, which was a bear named bang bang, into a river and Avin
and Mile (the Heroes from the first game) had to go find it. Anyways
after the scene equip Chris's Staff of Light on Filly then use the
Northern exit.

-North Heats Road-
Fight three battles in this area as you head North.

-Haizen, Castle Town-
Go into the Northeastern most building in town and talk to the ! old
woman inside. As you leave the house a scene will start. Afterwards
exit to the East.

-North Heats Road-
Head East a screen. Now start to go East to commence a scene.
Afterwards go East and then head North.

-Torif Checkpoint-
Go straight North through here.

-Angora Road-
Head North to start a scene. Afterwards head North until the path
splits, go West.

-Grace Mountain-
Go West and then North a screen. Head North straight through this

Now exit town to the East.

-Forest of Tranquility-
Go East until the path splits, then head North. Follow the path
North through here.

Aha! Now we return to Tonerico and the Forest of Deception. Go to
the lookout in the Northeastern corner of town to start a scene with
Pad. Then go talk to the mayor.

-Forest of Deception-
Follow the path until it splits then go East, then when it comes to a
large open area go North. In this area follow the path when it splits
go West. Go DIRECTLY North after you go West, I mean it right
after you go West there is a very small path going North that you
will miss if you keep going. Then as you follow this path it will make
a n shape, as you head South on the Eastern side of the n, you will
reach a part of the path that has a Y shape with you being on the
left fork of the y, when you get here go up the right fork of the Y.
You will see the butterfly at a monument. Examine the ! monument.
Now go back to the first area of the forest and Head West a screen
from here but be aware that near the exit is another monument do
not examine it or you will have to start over. Now look around in
this area to see the butterfly once again. Follow it to find the
After the scene go East a screen. Now exit the forest to the South.

Talk to the mayor to start another scene.

-Oldos Town Area-
In it Jurio and friends return to the inn. Where Filly mixes the potion
and Shirla and Jurio gives the potion to their friends. After Shirla
and Goose leave, reunited with eachother, Morrison says that now
Jurio and Chris must visit the Grand Cathedral to see the final
Magic Mirror. Talk to the priest at the bridge, he will ask you 5
questions the answers are Water, Earth, Fire, Wind, and No. Now
continue past the Priest, across the bridge, to the Religous District.

-Religous District-
Follow the path through this area, through a few houses, past a
windmill, over a bridge, and North a screen to the Grand Cathedral.

-Grand Cathedral-
Go directly North to the very large room of the cathedral, after the
scene talk to the ! Head Oracle at the back of the room. Afterwards
go upstairs. From here go up more stairs to start a scene where an
organist plays the "Hymn of Calling" to celebrate your arrival. Then
go up[stairs again to the roof. Where the Great Oracle Denken is
waiting for you. He explains that lately the Magic Mirror has been
showing him ominous signs and that it showed him that two people
would come who could help. When Jurio and Chris look to the
Magic Mirror they see Ominous dark clouds over the land, and
many soldiers that gathered in Castle Roudo in Pholthia. A sorcerer
rose a glowing ball to the ceiling, and Chris and Jurio hear "Raual".
When they talk to the Great Oracle again he says that Raual is the
end of the world. After the scene is done you may leave the Grand

-Religous District-
Just head right through here.

-Oldos Town Area-
A scene begins as you enter this area, afterwards Chapter 4 ends.
<03.6 Chapter 5 - A Lake Divided>

-Sacred Gate-
Exit to the West.

-Angora Road-
In this area you will face new enemies called Healer Hermits. Head
South a screen.

-Torif Checkpoint-
Head South into the building and talk to the guard who is on the
Eastern side and then head South.

-South Heats Road-
In this area you will encounter Rapoopils and Wild Boars. Just
continue South until you reach the Luiz Checkpoint, fighting any
monsters you see on your way.

-Luiz Checkpoint-
Go past the guard, talk to the ! old man to show him your Silver
Dagger, then exit to the West past another guard.

-South Heats Road-
In this area you will encounter Shocker Sybils. Head North a screen
from here. Now head North until the path turns, when it does,
follow it West to Horuku.

Welcome to Horuku. As long as we're here lets take a look at our
equipment. Jurio has a Sundering Sword, Fleeting Robes, a Large
Shield, and for accessories he has a Thomas' Medal and a Magic
Ring +2. Chris and Filly both have a Staff of Light, and Fleeting
Robes. Chris has a Hemp Cape and a Power Ring +1. Filly has a
Hemp Cape and a Veteran's Cape. Try to keep them close to this
equipment setup. Now go to the tool shop which is the building
just South of you. Buy cure, recure, mind, and remind potions so
your maxed out on all. Then buy Sapphie Vol. 8 and then sell your
extra weapons and armor but keep your extra accessories. Then go
into the other section of this building and talk to the Arms Dealer
from across the table. Buy a Sundering Sword and a Large Shield
and equip them both on Jurio before you sell his Broadsword and
Small Shield. Now go talk to the ! Guard at the West exit of town.
Now go into the building North of the shops and talk to the blue
haired boy at the desk to get some rest. Now enter the building
North of that one to talk to an old man with a notepad over his head.
Now you have done everything that you have to but if you want to
you can talk to the townspeople to learn more about whats going
on. When your done head North a screen.

-Horuku, Calak Mansion-
Talk to the guard that is closest to you, and then go talk to the two
door guards. This will start a scene in which you show one of the
door guards Alf's ring and then they take you inside for questioning.
After the questioning he'll take you to see King Calak. The King
says that a traveler namede Belart told Calak that his brother, the
King of Haizen was preparing for war. So Calak began to build a
fortress. Eventually he halted construction but Belart took control
by taking the queen prisoner to the fortress to make sure
construction continued. So now Jurio and friends need to go to
Haizen to confirm that the King is not planning on attacking
Horuku. So Calak gives you a letter to present to his brother in
Haizen and makes arrangements for you to travel there. So now
you can exit the castle, don't forget to talk to that guard I had you
talkto when you first entered this area. Then you can take the South

Well there doesn't seem to be anything that you have to do here so
if you need it get some rest at the inn, buy some petfood, and head

-Hedz Road-
In this area you will face new enemies such as Karimegs and
Vadartha Dragons. Head West and a scene will start and Filly will
mention the rough path that leads to her house, you can use it to
get to Haizen. So when the path turns go North.

-Wild Path-
Just head straight North through here there are no enemies

-Riz's House-
Go inside her house and talk to Bang Bang and Riz and then go

-North Heats Road-
In this area you will encounter Copper Crabs. If not all your
characters are level 23 yet fight monsters in this area. When your
done head North a screen to Haizen.

-Haizen, Castle Town-
There's nothing you have to do here so go North.

-Castle Haizen, 1st Floor-
Go into the Castle and keep heading forward until you reach the stairs,
take them up.

-Castle Haizen, 2nd Floor-
The room to the right of the stairs is the throne room, go in there to
see the king. Once the scene is over go to the first floor.

-Castle Haizen, 1st Floor-
Go back to the town.

-Haizen, Castle Town-
Exit town to the South.

-North Heats Road-
Head South through this area.

-Riz's House-
Save your game and head East.

-North Heats Road-
Head East until you can go South, then continue South until you
see two ! guards. Talk to them both, then try to go right by them,
then talk them both again. This will start a scene in which you will
get by the guards.

-North-South Road-
In this area you will encounter Wildfire Wolfs. Continue going
South until you reach Horuku Fortress.

-Horuku Fortress-
Talk to each of the ! guards and then try to enter the Fortress, talk
to them again to start a scene. Once inside go to the Southwest
building which is the armory. Once thats done go to the North exit
and try to go outside to start another scene. After the scene go into
the Southeast building and examine the locked door to initiate yet
another scene. Afterwards go into the building north of the Armor
and examine the ! cabinet to find the key. Take the key to the locked
door to find the Queen, as your leaving Belart catches you and throws
you all in the room with the Queen. Goose, Shirla, and the bandits
that attacked you earlier, show up to steal the day! Err, I mean save
it. When you regain control examine the door. Then go check the
North exit, the South exit, the armory, and Belarts room. Once you've
done that go ontop of the lookout, that will start yet another scene.

-Horuku, Calak Mansion-
Once the scene ends you can go back to town.

Buy petfood and any healing items you need before exiting town to
the West.

-Hedz Road-
Head West in this area until a scene starts and you part ways with
Filly. Afterwards head South to start another scene with Ryunel,
the guard from the checkpoint in Oldos. He says the source of
Pholthias troubles are coming from Castle Roudo. Lodi's swordmaster,
Master Durzel is being incarcerated in Dorufes but apparently he
has made contact with the Moonlight Witch. Continue South a
screen. Follow the path here South until it turns West, follow it a
screen over.

-Desert Checkpoint-
Talk to the Immigration Officer to show him your Silver Dagger.
Contine on to show it to another Immigration Officer who says
there are rumors that King Rudolf of Pholthia is trying to force
Tirasweel to join with him. Anyways exit to the West to end
Chapter 5.
<03.7 Chapter 6 - The Prophecy>

-Desert of Thirst-
In this area you will encounter Shell Squirass and Jabawoo's. This
area is a great place to level up. So try to reach level 25 before
leaving the area.  Once you reach level 25 you can head North a
screen. Walk along this screen until you see the North exit, when
you can see it fight nearby monsters until you reach level 27. Once
your done you can head North a screen.

As you enter town a man will run from the nearby building out of
town, then the building will explode! Jurio and Chris wake up in
cells. Some guards come in and take Chris. Anyways once the leangthy
scene is done talk to Naje and exit her house. Go into the building
just East of her house and talk to the ! girl. Now go to Kandata's
house which is just East of the building your in now. Talk to the
blue haired boy and examine the note on the wall inside (I have my
own supicions of who the Desert Panther is but we'll see if I'm right
later). Now go to the house North of this one to talk to the ! old man
inside. Go into the Weapon and Armor store West of this house to
exchange any Gores you have for Piers. Equip a Hemp Cape and a
Power Ring +1 on Badatt. Now head North a screen. Talk to the !
guard at the North exit then try to use the exit. Now go to the East
side of the colliseum and talk to the ! green haired boy there. Now
talk to the guard guarding the exit you used to escape the colliseum
for a laugh and then exit to the South. Go to Naje's house and talk
to ! her inside.

-Desert of Thirst-
Thanks to Naje you've now gotten out of town. I had you do all
that leveling before so you wouldn't have to do it now. So head
West and then North to start a scene. Afterwards continue North.

Walk along the ruins until you come to a staircase, descend it.

-Ruins, Level 1-
Take the left hallway North. Examine the mosaic on the wall. It
depicts to serpents, one light, one dark, representing Bardus and
Octum, good and evil entwined in a neverending battle. Now there
are two more hallways take the one leading East first to start a scene
once it ends go back and take the other hallway. Once you've
entered the large chamber take the East path from here to examine
a treasure chest, open it to find an ancient sword. As long as your
finding ancient swords here's a history lesson on the game. Kabessa
was a sword from The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion,
supposedly Bardus (the good god) split his body into five pieces
that when combined made Kabessa. Now from the chest head
South. Open another chest in the corner, it contains Mirage Armor,
equip it on Badatt. From the chest go west to a raised platform and
then go South. Examine the corpse and the chest and head East.
When you come to the dragon statue go North and examine the
chest for a Spider Knife. Now go West and follow the path back
around to the dragon statue and take the path South. Examine the
skeletons and go North to find the exit stairs, ascend them.

Follow the path out of here.

-Desert of Thirst-
In this area you will face enemies such as Salamanders and Goat
Compees. Avoid fights in this area. Head North until a scene starts.
Then continue North a screen.

For a laugh once you've entered the town go West all the way to
the West wall and talk to the trader at the stall there. Then go find
the tool shop and buy Sapphie Vol. 9 and any curative items you
need. Now go to the Northeast corner of town and talk to the ! guard.
Then talk to the ! old man at the desk in the inn (in the inn, lol).
After the scene go to the stand nearest the entrance to the town and
talk to the ! trader. Then heading West, talk to all the merchants
along the way. After the scene go past the guard that stopped you

-Ghidonel, Woolght's Mansion-
Go talk to the girl in the Northeast room. Then go to the throne
room in which Woolghit is residing. After the scene talk to Badatt,
check the door, talk to Badatt again, and examine the right window.
during the scene my prior assumptions of the Desert Panther are
confirmed to reveal that she is Naje. The scene continues until a
battle is started, but you don't actually fight they fight on screen.
During the scene they mention Revas, an astrologer in Pholthia. So
once the scene is done, equip a Magic Ring +2 on Stella and leave
the mansion.

(Does Jurio's hair look longer? I couldn't help but notice that on the
cover his hair is silver as well, perhaps something amazing will
happen... or not, we'll just have to wait and see). Save your game
go to the Weapon and Armor shop, I am going to tell you to buy a
lot of stuff but it will cost a ton of money so in order to afford it
unequip Jurios sword and shield, Chris's staff, Badatt's knuckles,
and Stella's staff. Then sell all weapons, armors, shields, and
marbles you have in your inventory to the shop owner (when I say
ALL I mean all the ones that your characters do not have equipped,
however don't sell any accessories you have). Buy 2 Sorcerer Staves,
Victor's Fist, and a Robust Shield. If you didn't have enough money
load your game to get back all the stuff you sold and then go fight
monsters until you have enough money. Equip the Robust Shield on
Jurio, equip the Sorcerer Staves on Chris and Stella, and equip the
Victor's Fist on Badatt. Now I realize that now Jurio does not have a
sword don't worry you'll get one on Guil Road. Man, that took
awhile you'll have to fight a lot of monsters on the way to Dorufes
to gain back all those piers you spent. So rest at the inn and then
take the Northwest exit.

-Guil Road-
To get that sword I was talking about go directly North from where
you entered this area to see a desert merchant, talk to him to give
him all 9 versions of Swordswoman Sapphie, then he will ask you
who you like in the story more Brad or Sapphie, if you say Sapphie
he will give you her sword, Silfing which will add 100 to your base
attack and 20 to your base speed, If you choose Brad he will give
you his sword, the King's Cutlass it will add 100 to Jurio's base
attack power and 10 to his base magic attack. Personally I think
Silfing is a better choice. After that continue along the road keeping
in mind that by the time your at Dorufes I expect you to be at level
30 with Jurio and Chris. So fight to level 29 in this area, heal your
characters and save your game before you continue to the next area.
Follow the path here to start a scene and a battle.
Miniboss: Belart, 2X Salamanders, and 2X Goat Compee's.
Well to handle Belarts minions cast Jurio's Water Spirit and Stella's
Freeze Lance. Use everyone's Finishing Move on him. Use Chris's
La Recure whenever your characters need healing.
-Guil Road-
Equip the Guard Ring +3 that Belart dropped on Jurio in place of
his Guard Ring +1. Save your game and continue North.

-Dilt Checkpoint-
Go North into the office. After the scene go East and talk to the two
! imprisoned men. Then go into the Southeastern room with the !
guard standing inside. Now go into the room next to it and talk to
the guard in there. Once you have done that head head to the West
side of this building. When you regain control read all of Huck's
Notes before you head North a screen. Here go talk to the soldier at
the desk inside. Then begin to leave. Examine the windows facing
the soldiers inside. Then leave to the North. This will end Chapter 6.
<03.8 Chapter 7 - Journey's>

-Witch's Coast-
In this area you will face Shoddy Squids, Pick Penguins, and Poison
Beetle's. Now you must go North to Aroza.

Go into the building Northwest of you and talk to the girl. Then go
into the house North of hers. Now go to the inn which is in the
Southeast corner of the village. Talk to the ! girl and choose "Rest.".

-Ragpick Village-
The village appears to be completely empty. Go inside each of the
houses and then go East of Jurio's house to find ! Rog. Examine him
to wake up.

Once Jurio awakens from his horrible incident of terror go to Joanna's
house in the Northwest area of town. Talk to ! Joanna. Now equip
the Mirage Armor on her along with a White Stone and a Speed
Ring +2. Now exit to the South.

-Witch's Coast-
Remember to reach level 30 before you reach Dorufes, at level 30
Jurio will learn a new Finishing Move called Brave Rush, and at
level 30 Chris will learn the spell Full Cure and the Finishing Move
Sacred Fall. So now you can just follow the path straight through
here. In this area level Chris and Jurio to 30 before heading South to

Head South into the Weapon and Armor/Tool Shop. Stock up on
healing items. The Arm's Dealer doesn't have anything worth
buying though so leave the shop and go into the Southeastern most
building. Talk to the ! couple. Then go to the center of town and
talk to the ! little girl. Then go South.

-Dorufes Tower-
In this area you will face Wind Mantis's. Follow the West coast
South. Now go East to find a doorway into the tower. Ascend the
nearby staircase. Now go East and descend a different staircase.
Head South, West, and North. Use the wooden door and talk to the
soldier inside the room. I assume he's talking about Huck and
Badatt. Now return to the staircase and ascend it. From the staircase
go South all the way and then West until you see another wooden
door. After the scene go North and climb another set of stairs. From
here go South and East until you see two staircases. Go up the left
staircase. Go North into another room with a wooden door to find
Huck and Badatt. Now go back down the stairs and take the East
stairs up. Go North and take another staircase up. Talk to Badatt
and then ! Huck. Now go into the room to start a scene with Durzel.
Go through the secret passage and down the stairs, all of them.
Then go into the water and out the passage it's exiting through.
Follow the waterways until you reach the end. Step off of the end
and exit to the North.

Go to the Arms Dealer and buy a Robust Shield for Durzel, Equip
the Robust Shield, Mirage Armor, Hemp Cape, and a Speed Ring +2
on Durzel, and then sell his Large Shield and Chain Mails. Now exit
town to the North.

-Witch's Coast-
Now I realize there were a lot of enemies in the Tower and you
probably got into a few fights so If your at Level 32 or above, avoid
any more fights for now, if your not at level 32 yet fight a few
enemies. Anyways continue through this area to the next screen.
Continue through here to the three way intersection and go North to

Talk to everyone in town, rest at the inn, and head North.

-Winter Solstice Path-
Head North and then West a screen. Follow the path here West,
North, West, and then North again to the next screen.

-Road of Remembrance-
In this area you will encounter Krakens and Minervas. Go North to
start a scene.

-Hill of Gueld-
Go East to the grave. Talk to Huck, Badatt, Joanna, and then
Durzel. Then examine the ! sword to start a scene in which Chapter
7 ends.
<03.9 Epilogue - Gueld>

-Hill of Gueld-
Equip the Esperancer on Jurio and Gueld's Staff on Chris. Now
leave the Hill of Gueld.

-Road of Remembrance-
Well now you know the end is drawing near so fight any monsters
you see between here and Castle Roudo, maybe you can reach level
40 before the final boss battle of the game. You probably shouldn't
reach level 50 though because then it would be too easy. So reach
level 35 in this area and then head North. You can head straight
through this area to Castle Roudo.

-Roudo, Castle Town-
Here go to the Weapon and Armor Shop and buy a Meteor Spear, a
Heavenly Rod, and 2 Master's Shields. Equip the Master's Shields
on Jurio and Durzel, the Meteor Spear on Durzel, and the Heavenly
Rod on Stella. Go to the inn, and talk to the owner, after the scene
go down and talk to him again to get some rest. Go North a screen
and stock up on cures, minds, and elixirs at the tool shop. Now go
into the building East of the tool sho and go upstairs. Go into the
Southeast room. After the scene save your game and go to the castle.
Talk to the ! guard.

-Castle Roudo, Courtyard-
Head North past all the guards into Castle Roudo itself.

-Castle Roudo, Audience Room-
Go North and take the East staircase up a floor.

-Castle Roudo, Second Floor-
Go North and talk to the grey haired man now you can go downstairs.

-Castle Roudo, Audience Room-
Go North to start a scene. Now take the right archway North.

-Castle Roudo, Inner Chambers-
In this area you will encounter Clay Golems. Go take the staircase
upstairs. Now go North.

-Castle Roudo, Courtyard-
Go down the stairs and go North. Continue going North and
examine the door at the end. Good thing Goose and Shirla showed
up (I was wondering when we'd run into them again). Now go South
back to the Inner Chambers.

-Castle Roudo, Inner Chambers-
Go back through this area.

-Castle Roudo, Audience Room-
Now go West to use the other archway exiting from this area.

-Castle Roudo, Inner Chambers-
Take the left hallway North then take the third hallway down
North and descend the staircase there.

-Castle Roudo, Dungeons-
Go South and then East to three doorways the two on the outside
edge have bars on them but the middle one does not go through it
and open the left chest inside to find a Frost Spear, the right chest
empty. Now go West past the wooden door and the archway, then
go North through two archways to find a room of chests. Open the !
one and the one to the right of it to get an Iron Key and a Shield of
Law. Now go use the wooden door I had you pass just a moment
ago. You can open it now with the Iron Key. So go up there and
open the ! chest and the one to the right of it for a Steel Key and a
Judgement Spear. Now go East past the three archways and go
North up the hallway to find a wooden door you can open with the
Steel Key. Go North, then East past the archway up into the room
with the treasure chest containing Shielding Robes. Now go through
the archway open the chest there and go downstairs. Now from
here go North to find a wooden door with a copper lock so now you
can use that copper key you found. Now go North through the

-Castle Roudo, Underground Passage-
In this area you will face new enemies such as Avatars and
Hazaman. Head North to start a scene in which Kajim and Lodi
appear! Lodi says he decided against taking his revenge on Galga
but that doesn't mean he will ever forgive Kajim. Head North and
turn East, take the stairs and follow the path around and through a
door. Talk to the Soldier and go through the other doorway. Now
walk past the staircase and turn East at the intersection. Follow the
path South until the path splits off into a room with a staircase
leading down in it. Go into that room and take the hallway in the
room that is leading South to another staircase. Descend it and head
West to be ambushed by monsters, but saved by Alf! Continue
following this path until there are three other paths you can choose
from, take the Eastern most one North to see Goose, Shirla, and
those bandits. Now continue North to find a room with two staircases
in it. Take the West one up. Now head West from this staircase
until you can go South down a hallway to a staircase. Ascend it and
head South all the way down the hallway. Turn West, pass the
staircase and turn North, keep going North until you can't anymore,
ascend the staicase there. Now go South to start a scene in which
Mr. Morrison appears to help you. Now keep following the path
until you go through an archway. In this area follow the path around
the corner and go North past the staircase, around two more corners,
until you see two staircases. (Man this place is huge) Go down the
one and head South all the way to ascend another staircase. From
here go use the only other staircase available to you. Now follow
this path around to reach the entrance to the Tower of Isabelle. So
go through the door save your game, and ascend the East staircase.

-Isabelle's Tower-
Now from here go directly South to examine the wall down there
and find a latch you can't see, Jurio will raise the latch on a door
that's hidden by the wall. If you want you can then use the door you
will find yourself in the courtyard again. Anyways go descend the

-Castle Roudo, Underground Passage-
Ascend the West staircase now.

-Isabelle's Tower-
Go around the corner to the staircase leading to the next floor. Now
follow the hallway around to a room with many wooden doors
leading to other rooms, most of which are empty. But walk West
through the room to see a door with candleholders to the left and
right of it, enter this room and walk to the end to find a chest
containing a Resist Ring +3. Now go back out to the main room and
take the wooden door leading South from here. Follow this hallway
around to another room with a wooden door connecting it with a
library. Check the Southeastern most bookcase to find a book about
summoning the Wave of Raual. No head North through two
wooden doors and ascend the staircase. In this room go use the
other staircase leading up. Do the same on this floor. Go through a
wooden door, here then out of that room through a different
wooden door and go up the stairs. Go North from this staircase to
another one leading to the next floor. From the staircase go directly
South out onto the roof (you might not realize the door is there but
it is, if you look at the south wall it should have a section of wall
that's farther away from the rest of the walls).

-Isabelle's Tower, Roof-
Go West, up the small staircase to the next level and then South.

-Isabelle's Tower-
Go directly South through here to start a scene in which the Wildcat
Bandits, Filly, and Riz show up. When you regain control of your
characters go South. Talk to Riz to buy curing items, stock up on
everything, then talk to Filly to be healed completely. Now I
suggest you save your game, but in a different slot than the one
you saved in at the base of the tower, that way if your not strong
enough to win the final boss battle you don't wind up stuck here
with no way to level up or anything. Now climb the staircase and
head North.

-Isabelle's Tower, Observatory-
Approach the altar where Revas and the Globe are to learn why he
did this, and when seeing this, it makes it seem as if he is not
entirely evil, so much as he is desperate to save his own world. It's
called self preservation and it is part of the human condition. Now
let the battle commence!
Boss: Revas and 4X Vandons
I fought this battle with all my characters at around level 38 and
this battle was still tough, so what your going to want to remember
is if anyone dies use an Elixir on them, and don't be afraid to use
full cures. When you use Jurio's Finishing Moves use Brave Rush,
and use Chris's Light Cactus. If there are Vandons still alive after
the first turn but you used all of your Finishing Moves, the remaining
ones should each die after one normal attack, however they can use
La Cure so it might take longer if they healed. Once all the Vandon's
are dead you can focus on Revas, he should only take a few more
regular hits before dying.
When the battle is won Revas turns to stone and then crumbles into
little pieces as he dies. Stella uses her bombs in an attempt to
remove the stuff surrounding the globe but to no avail. Then Lodi,
Alf, and Mr. Morrison appear. Mr. Morrison says they need
something that does psychic damage as well as physical, like
Crimson Fires. Luckily, Jurio still has his. They say it's not big
enough but they can make it grow with the magical assistance of
Mr. Morrison, Stella, and of course, Chris. So they make it grow and
Goose throws it at the globe, thus destroying the thin film covering
the outside of it. Then Jurio throws the Silver Dagger at the globe
thus, destroying it and releasing the souls of the soldiers and the
Will of Despair. Talk to everyone then go South a screen.

-Isabelle Tower-
talk to Shirla. As your doing that a cave in will occur and you will
be seperated from everyone else. Shirla will get the bandits to start
clearing out the rocks while you go and look for Queen Isabelle. Go
get healed by Filly and buy some healing items from Riz. Now
save your game and go North two screens to the roof.

-Isabelle Tower, Roof-
After the scene go forward. To learn that supposedly this world had
a sin that warranted the destruction of it in place of the other world.
Then the battle begins.
Boss: Queen Isabelle and 4X Deathbits.
The Deathbits can do some serious damage so taking them out is
not going to be easy. Have Chris cast La Recure every turn until
they're dead. You might have to use your Finishing Moves in order
to kill them they're pretty tough but once they're dead you can focus
on the queen more. If any of your characters become confused use
a Fururu Potion. Jurio's Brave Rush is a real need to get rid of the
Deathbits. Also use Stella's Time Stop, then use her Attack Up spell
on Jurio and Durzel to use in conjunction with their Finishing
Moves. Once all the Deathbits are dead you can begin to fight
Queen Isabelle some physical attacks will not hurt her or will do
very little damage. Even some Finishing Moves don't work, but
you can use Brave Rush, and Comet Thrust. But just so you know
Isabelle has a very strong move called Conjure that can wipe out
your entire party in two hits. (This move actually made me have to
start the fight all over when she was almost dead.) Well, eventually
you should defeat her and shafts of light will break out from her body.
-The End-
Well Congratulations! You have succesfully completed "The Legend
of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch", I suggest you go
back to the beginning and listen to what Shirla sings about when
she's disguised as a bard, it's all about your journey and Gueld.
Enjoy the ending movie, I won't spoil it for you. Well, I hope you
found my FAQ/Walkthrough helpful and if you want you can help
me too, I'm missing a few facts from the History. Anyways I guess
they never explained why Jurio's hair was silver on the cover huh?
Oh well, I hope you enjoyed the game and my guide, I enjoyed
writing it for you. Well this is the end of the Walkthrough, refer to
the Table of Contents at the beginning of the FAQ/Walkthrough to
see what else is in here for your use. Well, I hope this was all very
helpful if you want to ask me anything my E-mail address is at the
top of the guide near the title.
<04. Level Guide>

Level 1
HP:47     MP:33
ATT:31    DEF:18
MAT:10    MDE:13
HIT:75    AVO:15

Level 2
HP:50     MP:34
ATT:32    DEF:19
MAT:11    MDE:14
HIT:75    AVO:15

Level 3
HP:54     MP:36
ATT:33    DEF:20
MAT:11    MDE:15
HIT:76    AVO:15

Level 4
HP:58     MP:37
ATT:35    DEF:21
MAT:12    MDE:16
HIT:76    AVO:15

Level 5
HP:63     MP:39
ATT:36    DEF:22
MAT:13    MDE:17
HIT:77    AVO:15

Level 6
HP:67     MP:40
ATT:38    DEF:23
MAT:15    MDE:19
HIT:78    AVO:16

Level 7
HP:72     MP:42
ATT:40    DEF:25
MAT:16    MDE:21
HIT:79    AVO:16

Level 8
HP:77     MP:44
ATT:43    DEF:26
MAT:17    MDE:22
HIT:80    AVO:16

Level 9
HP:83     MP:46
ATT:45    DEF:28
MAT:19    MDE:24
HIT:81    AVO:16

Level 10
HP:88     MP:48
ATT:48    DEF:30
MAT:21    MDE:27
HIT:82    AVO:16

Level 11
HP:94     MP:50
ATT:51    DEF:32
MAT:22    MDE:29
HIT:83    AVO:17

Level 12
HP:100    MP:53
ATT:54    DEF:34
MAT:24    MDE:31
HIT:84    AVO:17

Level 13
HP:107    MP:55
ATT:57    DEF:37
MAT:26    MDE:34
HIT:85    AVO:17

Level 14
HP:113    MP:58
ATT:60    DEF:39
MAT:29    MDE:37
HIT:87    AVO:17

Level 15
HP:120    MP:60
ATT:64    DEF:42
MAT:31    MDE:40
HIT:88    AVO:18

Level 16
HP:128    MP:63
ATT:68    DEF:45
MAT:33    MDE:43
HIT:90    AVO:18

Level 17
HP:135    MP:66
ATT:72    DEF:48
MAT:36    MDE:46
HIT:91    AVO:18

Level 18
HP:143    MP:68
ATT:76    DEF:51
MAT:39    MDE:50
HIT:93    AVO:19

Level 19
HP:151    MP:71
ATT:81    DEF:54
MAT:42    MDE:54
HIT:95    AVO:19

Level 20
HP:159    MP:75
ATT:86    DEF:57
MAT:45    MDE:57
HIT:96    AVO:19

Level 21
HP:168    MP:78
ATT:91    DEF:61
MAT:48    MDE:61
HIT:98    AVO:20

Level 22
HP:177    MP:81
ATT:96    DEF:64
MAT:51    MDE:65
HIT:100   AVO:20

Level 23
HP:186    MP:84
ATT:101   DEF:68
MAT:54    MDE:70
HIT:102   AVO:20

Level 24
HP:196    MP:88
ATT:106   DEF:72
MAT:58    MDE:74
HIT:105   AVO:21

Level 25
HP:205    MP:91
ATT:112   DEF:76
MAT:71    MDE:79
HIT:107   AVO:21

Level 26
HP:215    MP:95
ATT:118   DEF:80
MAT:75    MDE:64
HIT:109   AVO:22

Level 27
HP:225    MP:99
ATT:124   DEF:85
MAT:69    MDE:89
HIT:112   AVO:22

Level 28
HP:236    MP:103
ATT:130   DEF:89
MAT:73    MDE:94
HIT:114   AVO:23

Level 29
HP:247    MP:107
ATT:137   DEF:94
MAT:77    MDE:99
HIT:117   AVO:23

Level 30
HP:258    MP:111
ATT:144   DEF:99
MAT:81    MDE:104
HIT:119   AVO:24

Level 31
HP:269    MP:115
ATT:151   DEF:104
MAT:86    MDE:110
HIT:122   AVO:24

Level 32
HP:281    MP:119
ATT:158   DEF:109
MAT:90    MDE:116
HIT:125   AVO:25

Level 33
HP:293    MP:124
ATT:165   DEF:114
MAT:95    MDE:122
HIT:128   AVO:26

Level 34
HP:305    MP:128
ATT:173   DEF:120
MAT:100   MDE:128
HIT:131   AVO:26

Level 35
HP:317    MP:133
ATT:180   DEF:125
MAT:105   MDE:134
HIT:134   AVO:27

Level 36
HP:330    MP:137
ATT:188   DEF:131
MAT:110   MDE:141
HIT:137   AVO:27

Level 37
HP:343    MP:142
ATT:196   DEF:137
MAT:115   MDE:147
HIT:140   AVO:28

Level 38
HP:356    MP:147
ATT:205   DEF:143
MAT:120   MDE:154
HIT:143   AVO:29

Level 39
HP:369    MP:152
ATT:213   DEF:149
MAT:125   MDE:161
HIT:147   AVO:29
Level 1
HP:39     MP:42
ATT:22    DEF:16
MAT:18    MDE:17
HIT:50    AVO:10

Level 2
HP:42     MP:43
ATT:23    DEF:17
MAT:19    MDE:18
HIT:50    AVO:10

Level 3
HP:45     MP:45
ATT:24    DEF:18
MAT:20    MDE:19
HIT:51    AVO:10

Level 4
HP:49     MP:47
ATT:25    DEF:18
MAT:21    MDE:21
HIT:51    AVO:10

Level 5
HP:52     MP:48
ATT:26    DEF:20
MAT:22    MDE:22
HIT:51    AVO:10

Level 6
HP:56     MP:50
ATT:27    DEF:21
MAT:24    MDE:24
HIT:51    AVO:10

Level 7
HP:60     MP:52
ATT:29    DEF:22
MAT:26    MDE:26
HIT:51    AVO:10

Level 8
HP:65     MP:54
ATT:30    DEF:24
MAT:27    MDE:28
HIT:52    AVO:11

Level 9
HP:69     MP:57
ATT:32    DEF:25
MAT:29    MDE:31
HIT:53    AVO:11

Level 10
HP:74     MP:59
ATT:34    DEF:27
MAT:32    MDE:33
HIT:54    AVO:11

Level 11
HP:79     MP:61
ATT:36    DEF:29
MAT:34    MDE:36
HIT:55    AVO:11

Level 12
HP:85     MP:64
ATT:38    DEF:31
MAT:36    MDE:39
HIT:56    AVO:11

Level 13
HP:90     MP:67
ATT:41    DEF:33
MAT:39    MDE:42
HIT:57    AVO:11

Level 14
HP:96     MP:69
ATT:43    DEF:35
MAT:42    MDE:46
HIT:58    AVO:12

Level 15
HP:102    MP:72
ATT:46    DEF:38
MAT:45    MDE:49
HIT:59    AVO:12

Level 16
HP:108    MP:75
ATT:49    DEF:40
MAT:48    MDE:53
HIT:60    AVO:12

Level 17
HP:115    MP:79
ATT:52    DEF:43
MAT:51    MDE:57
HIT:61    AVO:12

Level 18
HP:121    MP:82
ATT:55    DEF:46
MAT:55    MDE:61
HIT:62    AVO:12

Level 19
HP:128    MP:85
ATT:58    DEF:49
MAT:59    MDE:66
HIT:63    AVO:13

Level 20
HP:135    MP:89
ATT:61    DEF:52
MAT:62    MDE:70
HIT:64    AVO:13

Level 21
HP:143    MP:92
ATT:65    DEF:55
MAT:66    MDE:75
HIT:66    AVO:13

Level 22
HP:150    MP:96
ATT:68    DEF:59
MAT:70    MDE:80
HIT:67    AVO:13

Level 23
HP:158    MP:100
ATT:72    DEF:62
MAT:75    MDE:85
HIT:68    AVO:14

Level 24
HP:166    MP:103
ATT:76    DEF:66
MAT:79    MDE:91
HIT:70    AVO:14

Level 25
HP:175    MP:107
ATT:80    DEF:70
MAT:84    MDE:96
HIT:71    AVO:14

Level 26
HP:183    MP:112
ATT:84    DEF:73
MAT:89    MDE:102
HIT:73    AVO:15

Level 27
HP:192    MP:116
ATT:89    DEF:77
MAT:94    MDE:108
HIT:74    AVO:15

Level 28
HP:201    MP:120
ATT:93    DEF:82
MAT:99    MDE:114
HIT:76    AVO:15

Level 29
HP:210    MP:111
ATT:98    DEF:86
MAT:104   MDE:121
HIT:78    AVO:16

Level 30
HP:220    MP:129
ATT:103   DEF:90
MAT:109   MDE:120
HIT:80    AVO:16

Level 31
HP:229    MP:134
ATT:108   DEF:95
MAT:115   MDE:134
HIT:81    AVO:16

Level 32
HP:239    MP:139
ATT:113   DEF:100
MAT:121   MDE:141
HIT:83    AVO:17

Level 33
HP:249    MP:144
ATT:118   DEF:104
MAT:127   MDE:148
HIT:85    AVO:17

Level 34
HP:260    MP:149
ATT:124   DEF:109
MAT:133   MDE:156
HIT:87    AVO:17

Level 35
HP:270    MP:154
ATT:129   DEF:115
MAT:139   MDE:163
HIT:89    AVO:18

Level 36
HP:281    MP:159
ATT:135   DEF:120
MAT:146   MDE:171
HIT:91    AVO:18

Level 37
HP:292    MP:164
ATT:141   DEF:125
MAT:152   MDE:179
HIT:93    AVO:19

Level 38
HP:304    MP:170
ATT:147   DEF:131
MAT:159   MDE:187
HIT:95    AVO:19

Level 39
HP:315    MP:175
ATT:153   DEF:136
MAT:166   MDE:195
HIT:98    AVO:20
Level 6
HP:64     MP:25
ATT:35    DEF:27
MAT:14    MDE:24
HIT:78    AVO:10

Level 7
HP:69     MP:26
ATT:36    DEF:28
MAT:16    MDE:24
HIT:79    AVO:10

Level 8
HP:74     MP:28
ATT:38    DEF:30
MAT:17    MDE:28
HIT:80    AVO:11

Level 9
HP:79     MP:29
ATT:41    DEF:32
MAT:19    MDE:31
HIT:81    AVO:11
Level 8
HP:78     MP:30
ATT:41    DEF:27
MAT:12    MDE:23
HIT:106   AVO:16

Level 9
HP:84     MP:31
ATT:43    DEF:28
MAT:13    MDE:25
HIT:107   AVO:16

Level 10
HP:90     MP:33
ATT:46    DEF:30
MAT:14    MDE:27
HIT:109   AVO:16

Level 11
HP:95     MP:35
ATT:49    DEF:33
MAT:15    MDE:29
HIT:110   AVO:17

Level 12
HP:102    MP:37
ATT:52    DEF:35
MAT:17    MDE:32
HIT:112   AVO:17

Level 13
HP:108    MP:39
ATT:55    DEF:37
MAT:19    MDE:34
HIT:114   AVO:17

Level 14
HP:115    MP:41
ATT:58    DEF:40
MAT:20    MDE:37
HIT:115   AVO:17
Level 10
HP:69     MP:65
ATT:65    DEF:26
MAT:32    MDE:41
HIT:40    AVO:11

Level 11
HP:74     MP:68
ATT:67    DEF:27
MAT:34    MDE:44
HIT:41    AVO:11

Level 12
HP:79     MP:71
ATT:70    DEF:29
MAT:37    MDE:48
HIT:42    AVO:11
Level 18
HP:118    MP:81
ATT:55    DEF:43
MAT:69    MDE:64
HIT:62    AVO:19

Level 19
HP:125    MP:84
ATT:59    DEF:46
MAT:74    MDE:68
HIT:63    AVO:19

Level 20
HP:132    MP:88
ATT:62    DEF:48
MAT:78    MDE:73
HIT:64    AVO:19
Level 19
HP:130    MP:50
ATT:57    DEF:56
MAT:41    MDE:54
HIT:63    AVO:19

Level 20
HP:137    MP:53
ATT:61    DEF:60
MAT:44    MDE:58
HIT:64    AVO:19
Level 22
HP:152    MP:57
ATT:71    DEF:58
MAT:48    MDE:71
HIT:50    AVO:27
Level 21
HP:140    MP:92
ATT:68    DEF:51
MAT:60    MDE:92
HIT:66    AVO:20

Level 22
HP:147    MP:96
ATT:72    DEF:55
MAT:64    MDE:98
HIT:70    AVO:20

Level 23
HP:155    MP:100
ATT:76    DEF:58
MAT:68    MDE:104
HIT:71    AVO:20
Level 32
HP:298    MP:93
ATT:151   DEF:116
MAT:71    MDE:107
HIT:125   AVO:42
Level 34
HP:245    MP:141
ATT:132   DEF:111
MAT:146   MDE:153
HIT:87    AVO:26

Level 35
HP:255    MP:146
ATT:138   DEF:116
MAT:153   MDE:160
HIT:89    AVO:27

Level 36
HP:266    MP:151
ATT:144   DEF:121
MAT:160   MDE:168
HIT:91    AVO:27

Level 37
HP:276    MP:156
ATT:150   DEF:127
MAT:167   MDE:175
HIT:93    AVO:28

Level 38
HP:287    MP:161
ATT:157   DEF:132
MAT:175   MDE:183
HIT:95    AVO:29

Level 39
HP:298    MP:167
ATT:163   DEF:138
MAT:182   MDE:192
HIT:98    AVO:29
Level 34
HP:255    MP:101
ATT:156   DEF:129
MAT:95    MDE:135
HIT:131   AVO:26
Level 36
HP:327    MP:110
ATT:196   DEF:150
MAT:107   MDE:143
HIT:182   AVO:18

Level 37
HP:340    MP:114
ATT:204   DEF:157
MAT:112   MDE:150
HIT:187   AVO:19

Level 38
HP:353    MP:118
ATT:213   DEF:164
MAT:117   MDE:157
HIT:191   AVO:19

Level 39
HP:366    MP:123
ATT:222   DEF:171
MAT:123   MDE:164
HIT:195   AVO:20

Level 40
HP:380    MP:127
ATT:231   DEF:178
MAT:128   MDE:171
HIT:200   AVO:20
<05. Frequently Asked Questions>

How do I equip items on my characters besides Jurio?
Use the L and R buttons to switch between your characters on the
Equipment screen.

How do I save?
Open your menu and then select data, to open another menu that
gives you the options of saving, loading, or deleting a Legend of
Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch file.

How do I interact with my pet?
Press O to open a menu that will let you feed, praise, scold, or
observe your pet.

How do I make my pet happy?
Observing it can give you an idea of what it wants and when it
finds something for you try praising it or feeding it.

How do I get items from my pet when he finds them?
Just move over to your pet and press X when yellow symbols
appear above his head to indicate its found something.

Why can't I buy anything even though I have plenty of gores?
You need to choose Exchange to transfer your gore for pier which is
the only currency accepted at shops.

What does B.G. mean in the History?
B.G. means Before Gagharv. (Thanks to Adrian Garcia for
correcting me!)

Why isn't my History as full as yours even though I did everything
your guide said?
I loaded a "Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion" save file from
the system menu. To do this you need to have a save file from "A
Tear of Vermillion". Load your "Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch"
game file, open the menu, select System, then select Load Vol. 1
Data, then choose a "A Tear of Vermillion" save file from your
memory stick to load.
<06. In-Game History>

Genesis Much of the land is said to have been formed in an epic
 battle between a giant and a monstrous snake.
Pre-BG  Bardus and Octum have a battle, resulting in Octum
        being locked up in the Sealed Land.
Pre-BG  After Bardus and Octum fall into sleep, the "Blue Tribe"
        develops their own magic civilization and conquers the
YR 149  Visits by beings arriving through the Rift become 
   commonplace. The Shrines are built, and the Witches 
        begin their pilgrimage.

YR 200  Around this time, Tempest the Warlock plots to fuel
        unrest within the Red Tribe.
        War Rages throughout El Phildin.
YR 251  Tempest is defeated by the combined efforts of Miligan
        and the giant dragon Albrecht.
YR 258  The warrior Miligan unites the Red Tribe as a kingdom,
        supported by the Church, and is crowned king.
        He later comes to be known as the "Flame King".
YR 417  The Durga Temple is discovered in northern Boreas,
        encased in ice.
YR 502  The Grand Cathedral in Valkd is completed, becoming
        the headquarters of the Church of Bardus.
        The Cathedral is used as holy grounds for training priests.
YR 703  Captain Bale discovers the Southern Route, as well as
        Gagharv itself. Many sailors attempt to navigate around
        Gagharv, but none succeed.
YR 802  The School of Sorcery is founded with the Royal Family's
        support, contributing to numerous advances in magic
        in El Phildin.
YR 898  The sage Lemuras grants the role of Advisor to the
        Church to Dinerken. He builds the Lookout Cottage in
        the Notos Mountains and retires there.
YR 913  Miligan the Sixteenth ascends to the throne after seven
        years of traveling.
YR 915  Gawaine, the Hero of the Sea, is granted the title of Sage
        by the royal family and the Church. He succeeds
        Dinerken as Advisor in the same year.
YR 916  The Oracle Bellias recieves a revelation at the Isle of
        Truth and leaves the Church of Bardus.
YR 921  Kanaphia Island is attacked by Octum's Apostles.
YR 924  Avin and Eimelle are orphaned. The High Priest
        Esperius takes them in and they start to live in the
YR 929  The Cathedral is attacked by Octum's Apostles. A dark
        barrier blocks entry to the Cathedral, rendering the
        Holy Grounds inaccessible.
YR 936  Avin embarks on a quest to find Eimelle with Mile.
YR 936  Faced Bellias at the Sealed Land underneath the
YR 943  Mitchell Lap Haven travels to the Witch's Island.
YR 945  Mitchell Lap Haven visits the Shrines.
YR 955  The Warlock Geppeus is defeated by the Sorcerer
        Ortega in a Wizardry duel.
YR 955  The Sorcerer Ortega slays a horde of dragons.
YR 955  The Sorcerer Ortega joins forces with the Warlock
        Geppeus to defeat a demon.
YR 958  The Sorcerer Ortega founds Oldos, City of Sages.
YR 969  Queen Isabelle is washed up on the Witch's Coast.
YR 971  The Moonlight Witch visits the Shrine in Deane.
YR 971  Durzel and Alfred travel together briefly.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch leaves a prophecy in Nelva.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits the village of Dartu.
YR 972  Magisa the Kand Master, then 5 years of age, receives
        instruction from the Moonlight Witch.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits Menarth.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits the Shrine in Tegura.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits the Shrine in Shifool and
        the Forest of Deception.
YR 972  The sacred beasts known as "Algres" are believed to be
        practically extinct.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch requests the village of Tonerico
        be built in the forests of Uldor.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits Horuku.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch visits Ghidonel.
YR 972  The Moonlight Witch passes away at the young age of
YR 977  Revas and Kajim attempt to control the sea monster
        Galga, near Negar Island.
YR 982  Lap rescues Shinon's family from a pack of Wolves
YR 988  Jurio loses his way in the town of Raguna.
YR 989  Durzel is imprisoned in the Tower of Dorufes.
YR 991  Christina catches a cold and postpones her pilgrimage
        for a year.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris encounter Goose and Shirla in Ragpick
YR 992  Jurio and Chris leave Ragpick Village for their
YR 992  Jurio and Chris see the Magic Mirror at the Shrine in
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet Huck in the town of Raguna.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris embark on the Hawk Talon, a passenger
YR 992  A serial theft case takes place onboard the Hawk Talon.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris embark on the Taratta.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris encounter the sea monster Galga while
        on the Taratta.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris see the Magic Mirror at the Shrine in
YR 992  Jurio and Chris become trapped in the mines of Tegura.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris encounter a man at sea on a small boat.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet Alf in Tituta.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet Lodi on a beach.
YR 992  Alf parts ways with Jurio and Chris, leaving them his
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet Roule and Baron in Chanom.
YR 992  The concert in the village of Dartu ends in disaster.
YR 992  The concert in the village of Dartu is a tremendous
YR 992  Jurio and Chris cross the Three City Bridge.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris participate in a plan to defeat Galga,
        Jurio serving as bait.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris see the Magic Mirror at the Shrine in
YR 992  Chris participates in a cooking contest held at Castle
YR 992  Jurio and Chris are defeated by Kajim at the Shrine in
YR 992  Jurio and Chris barely defeat Kajim, but the latter casts
        acurse on Chris and Goose.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris see the Magic Mirror at the Shrine in
YR 992  Jurio visits Riz in Phenthe to find a cure for Chris and
YR 992  Jurio meets Filly at Riz's house.
YR 992  Jurio enters the Forest of Deception to obtain a horn
        from the sacred beast "Algres".
YR 992  A visit to Tonerico,
        a previously unknown village.
YR 992  Successfully obtained a horn from the sacred beast
YR 992  Jurio and Chris see the Magic Mirror at the Shrine in
YR 992  Jurio and Chris learn about the Wave of Raual.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet King Calak in Horuku and are
        entrusted with his letter to King Eneton.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet King Eneton in Haizen.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris rescue Queen Kari at Horuku Fortress.
YR 992  The Wildcat Bandits are formed.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris are mistaken for the Desert Panther and
YR 992  The Desert Panther blows up Kandata's house.
YR 992  Jurio and Badatt face eachother at the coliseum
YR 992  A fight with Belart, empowered by Revas' magic.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris visit the Tower of Dorufes to meet the
        imprisoned Durzel.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris meet Joanne in Aroza.
YR 992  Durzel is rescued from the Tower of Dorufes.
YR 992  Recieved Gueld's staff and Durzel's sword, Esperancer,
        on the Hill of Gueld.
YR 992  The barrier surrounding the Globe must be dispelled by
        using the Silver Dagger.
YR 992  Friends of Jurio and Chris gather at Castle Roudo to
        lend a hand.
YR 992  Jurio and Chris defeat Revas and destroy his globe.
<07. Legal Stuff>

This FAQ/Walkthrough for The Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of
the Moonlight Witch is Copyright 2006 by Robert Hodgson Jr. I
hereby give permission for this FAQ/Walkthrough to be used for
private use by the general public, if you wish to display this
FAQ/Walkthrough publicly you must ask me for my permission
via E-mail. If you are given my consent to use this FAQ/Walkthrough
publicly you may not alter it in any form. Website(s) that currently
have my consent to use this FAQ/Walkthrough are:


-- Eiyuu Densetsu III: Shiroki Majo (Gagharv Trilogy) --
-- FAQ/Walkthrough --
-- By Ken "Kouli/Ice" Zhao ( --
-- Version 0.4 --


<Beforehand Words>

This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on the Japanese version of "Eiyuu Densetsu III:
Shiroki Majo (Gagharv Trilogy)" that's released on December 16th, 2004. Yes, it
was ALMOST an launch title for the PSP(released on December 12th, 2004).

The game is made by Falcom and published by Bandai.

BTW, 'Eiyuu' means Hero; 'Densetsu' means Legend; 'Shiroki' means White; 'Majo'
means Witch; In the end, you get 'The Legend Of Heroes III: White Witch'. The
Legend Of Heroes III, IV and V, are also known as the Gagharv Trilogy.


<Update Log>

\November 21st, 2005/
- Version 0.1, beginning to write the walkthrough

\November 22nd~28th, 2005/
- Version 0.2, continue on the walkthrough

\November 28th~29th, 2005/
- Version 0.3, done Chapter 7 and final/chapter 8 is next

\November 29th~30th, 2005/
- Version 0.4, done the full walkthrough


<Prologue - The Little Pilgrim>

~Ragpic Village
After, head to the right and go up to Chris' house. Speak with Chris' father.
Now, go north to Oldman Rap's house and speak with him. Explore & speak around
the village if you wish.

Once you are done, go west from the village.

~Ragpic Village - Western Plain
Head to the left and up to meet with Chris and a battle against the Great Boar.
After, head back to the village.

~Ragpic Village
After, head back to Jurio's house.

Afterward, go north to exit out the village. Go meet with Rap. It's time to
pick a Pet. Keep selecting no til you pick one, then yes. After, exit out the

~Green Plateau
Continue on for more scene. After, continue to the right.

~Gradual Ridge
Continue to the north.

~Gradual Ridge - Branch Road
From where you are, just go right down.

~Crystal Lake
Continue to the right and enter the cave.

~Gaza Cave
Continue along the long path to the next area.

Move along to the left then to the south to exit out.

~Crystal Lake - Suspension Bridge
Go right.

~Deane - Sharine
Continue to the right and up to the north. Within the northern big house, head
to the near right room. Read the second bookshelf of the right.

After, head to the upper left room.

In the end, back track to the Suspension Bridge.

~Crystal Lake - Suspension Bridge
It has been fixed, so head to the left.

~Gradual Ridge - Branch Road
Head to the north this time.

~Small Road Of The Crystal Lake
To the north as well.

~Ripply Beach
Continue to the left then to the upper left.

First area, at the south house, you can speak with Tetoh to rest. Go north a
bit from that house to another house. Within, speak with Nuru of the Chapel to
have Chris to learn Wind Cutter.

Head to the north and you will meey up with Sheryl. From where you are, see the
two bookshelves at the right? Check the right one and you can read Swordswoman
Safie Volume 1.

Don't go north to the harbor yet, go west to another area. At the western area,
you can check out the Weapon Shop. Anyway, speak around with villagers and then
head to the harbor area.

Afterward, go back to the first area from the harbor. There are 2 people you
need to speak with in this area. First, go to the south house to speak with
Tenah. Secondly, at the lower left house, speak with Oldman Colba. Now go west
to the western area.

Head to the western house to speak with Sheryl. After, go to speak with Daron
of the Weapon Shop. Next, within this Weapon Shop, go left and you should see
that locked door? Go there.

After, to the first area. Head to the upper left house to buy Kaze Herb from
Rihna. Then back to the western area and attempt to go back to the basement.
Then back to the basement with Chris, Joe and Pad.

Now, Chris joins back and exit out the house for more scene. Hack is directly
at the near south house.

And the bell rings. Time to head back to the harbor area. Get on to the ship.

~The Claw Of The Hawk
More scene. First of all, head left up to speak with the Captain. Then head to
the middle section to speak with the Cook Chief.

Now, take the right stairs on the deck to go down. Head to the left and enter
the second room. After, head to the next left room to speak with Heston. Now,
back to the first room from the right, speak with Tes.

After, take the stairs at the left to go down another floor. Start with your
own room, then attempt at the next room for more scene. Ignore that room, go to
the right a bit for another room.

Afterward, back on the deck. Check back with Boslay at the right. Then take the
near stairs down. Speak with Chris or Tonja. Now, take the left stairs to go
down and back to your room. Head to the middle of the room for more scene.

You are to head to the Captain. But before that, take the room to the left, the
one that's south of/just below the Captain's room. Within there, speak with
Roger and select Yes for more Chronology.

Now, go to the Captain's room. Then go in the room south of/just blow the
Captain's room again. Speak with Tes. After, take the near stairs to go down.
Take the near stairs to go down again.

Check the east and speak with Boslay there. After, go back up to the deck and
speak with the Captain at the east. After, you gotta stand there and wait for
Chris to come for more scene. Wait again. Tes and Roger will come.

After, speak with the Captain again and pick Yes. Now head to the right room to
attempt to find the Cook Chief and Chris. Chris joins back to the party at the

From where you are, head to the near right room. Get back up one floor and go
check Heston's room. Next, back to your own room. On the same floor as your own
room, head east to speak with Boslay. More scene.

After, check the near bookshelf within the Captain's room. After, back to the
Captain's room. Check the left box near the bookshelf. Now, get back down to
speak with the Captain. Then head to the east to speak with Boslay. Save your
game and go down the stairs.

Check the near left corner, behind those barrels. Then to the left and enter
the room. Check the north and upper right. Then you clear all the rats, then to
the upper left and check the red mark.

Head back up to the deck and speak with Garton at the east. Select Yes for a
chain of choices: Pick the Second, First and then the Third choice. And as for
the criminal, it's the Third choice, Heston.

After, take the near stairs down and head to the left to spot Heston. Now, get
back up to the deck. Head to the west part to spot Heston. More scene.

Go south to the town.

Head to the middle part to run into Kai. After, head to the lower right houses
and speak with villagers. Then back to the middle part where you ran into Kai.
More scene.

After, exit out at east. Then enter back to the village. Speak with the Village
Chief Laspa to get Laspa's Letter. Speak with Kai at the lower right house to
get the White Stone.

Exit out the village at east.

~Path Of The Sea Roar
Head to the lower right.

Next, make your way to the north.

Head to upper left house to speak with the Village Chief Nadal, to hand over
that Laspa's Letter.

Speak around with villagers, and most importantly, head to the north to speak
with Fishman Tobai.

After, exit out the village and back to the Path Of The Sea Roar. This time, go
to the east.

~Fir Tree Field
Go down to spot that Oldman Migel. Pick Yes and back to Arude.

Go back up to north to speak with Fisherman Tobai again.

You can head to the east to the harbor now. After, return to the town. Head to
the lower left house which is the Inn. Speak with the Merchant Polbe. Besure to
buy the Safie Volume 1 from him.

After, back to the harbor.

~The Taratta
Take the near stairs down. Check the left room. From the left bookshelf, check
it to read the book of Captain Thomas. Go back to speak with Tobai after.

Next, back to the deck. Head toward the right. After, go further to the right
end, toward the red mark. After, check around and head to the lower left of the
deck. More scene.


<Chapter 1 - The Jewel Of Tegura>

~Tegura Harbor
Go east to exit out.

~Negar Island
Head to the right for a scene then continue to the east, into the village.

Within the Item Shop, you can buy the Safie Volume 2.

Head  to the north and speak with Village Chief Elec. After, exit out at north.

~Negar Island
Head to the east.

~Tegura - Sharine
Head to the lower left room. Check the bookshelf at the left. Head to the north
to the next area.

Continue up and more scene. After, go back to Tegura.

Speak with Oldman Kevin at lower right and select Yes. Exit out at north again.

~Negar Island
This time, go to the north. Speak with Moc and you can enter now.

~Tegura Coal Mine
First area, head to the right and up for more scene. Then left and up to move
on. After, go right and continue to the upper right to the stairs.

Second area, go to the left. Continue along the path down for more scene. Then
go into the mud and search for the red mark for the Crimson Flame. You need 3
of them.

After, attempt to back track out for more scene. Next, head to the center rock
in the mud for the red mark. Then attempt to back track out, to that rock that
is blocking your path. More scene. Now head into the mud and search for another
red mark. It's the same location as the normal mark previously.

Next, attempt to back track to the stairs, but you will be blocked by another
rock. Head back to speak with Borry. Lastly, take the path to the most left and
more scene. Go down a bit to speak with Borry.

Then back track out and return back to Tegura.

Go back to speak with Oldman Kevin. Then exit out at west.

~Tegura Harbor
Head into the near room and speak with Emena.

~The Taratta
After, head down and into the room. Then back to the Deck and speak with Inta.
Then head to the right a bit, to the red mark.

~Fir Tree Field
Head to the west.

Continue to the west, by the intersection, go north a bit to a seller and move
on to the south.

Continue on for more scene. After, go north to the village.

Speak around and head to the NE corner to speak with Alf. After, exit out the

~Fir Tree Field
Attempt to go pass the guards to east. After, back to the village.

Go back to speak with Alf. More scene.

~Fir Tree Field
After, Alf joins the party. Go east.

~Jewel Highway
Continue to the east to the next area.

Continue to the east and besure to speak with the Oldman on the way.

Head to a south house to speak with Urap.

At the Item Shop, you can buy the Safie Volume 3. Speak with that guard at the
Item Shop as well.

At the Chapel, speak with Rint to learn Cure Poison and AVO Up for Chris. My
Chris is at Level 8 BTW.

After, head to the east area. Head to the near upper house for a scene with
Captain Dank and guards.

Head to the NE for a scene with Rody. Then speak with Oldman Ugana to the right
to move on.

Now, head to the south exit and speak with the guard there. You can go pass him

~Hisui Highway
Take the SE path to the next area.

Continue on and you can speak with the Merchant Polka. Then continue along the

~Topaz Beach
Continue to the left for more scene. Rody joins the party.

Continue down.

~Lapis Highway
Continue all the way to south.

Head to a house at west within the first area. Speak with Apoka within.

After, head to the NE corner to the Traveller's Journal Place. Speak with that
Joseph at the most east. Then go north to the harbor.

Speak with Santos at near north. Go back to the town. Go back to the house with
Apoka. Granny Djenne will be there. Speak with her.

After, head toward the guards JUST north of where you are. Alf leaves the party

Next, exit out at west.

~Twin Dragon Valley
Head to the upper left.

Continue your way on to upper left again.

After, continue to the left for a scene with Lule. Lule will join your party.
Pass the guards and head to south. Continue to the south.


<Chapter 2 - The Great Decisive Battle Of Bolt>

~Toruz Highway
A quick battle. Continue down to south.

Continue on to lower right.

Speak around with villagers. Speak with Gray of the Chapel for Chris to learn
Recure and DEF Up. My Chris is at Level 11 BTW.

At upper left corner, speak with Camil to get the Safie Volume 4.

After, go north to the casino house. Head up to second floor and speak with

Take the NE path to another area. From the left path, go around to the north so
you would be at the back of the big mansion. Chase after Tonica and Cizel.

Back to the second floor of the casino. Speak with Myer. Some gambles and you
will lose all your money.

Within the Inn, speak with Kratan. Lule joins back to the party and you also
get your money back. Exit out the Inn.

Head into the mansion. Go NE to the second floor. Go left to take the stairs to
the third floor. Head toward Baron.

After, back to the town and exit out at south.

~Poisoned Swamp Area
Go south to a battle. Continue to lower right.

Go south and before that last bridge at south, go east.

Head to the right and go north. Speak with Granny Krou.

After, back track and go south.

Head to a right house and speak with Village Chief Nap. After, exit out the
house for more scene.

Now, go south and head off the bridge to get into the water. Make your way to
the left and up.

~Poisoned Swamp Area
Back to this area, except you are in the water. Continue on for a scene with

Go north and back track to Troba. There should be a red mark near. Examine it.

After, more scene. Then back track out this village.

~Poisoned Swamp Area
Go east and make your way to north to speak with Papy and Granny Krou. Speak
with Granny Krou a second time, then speak with Papy again.

After, back track to Dice.

More scene and Lule leaves the party.

My Chris is at Level 13, and when I go back to the Chapel, Chris learns both
Racure and Revive.

~Dreaming Highway
Go south all the way to another area.

Go down and by the intersection, go south.

~Three Capitals Bridge
Head to the right. Then continue to the right to another area.

Move along the bridge, eventually, more scene. Continue on to the right.

~Dotta Fortress
Head to the near north house to speak with the merchant. You can buy Safie
Volume 5.

Head to the east for a short scene. Then from there, go up a bit(you should be
near the ladder) for another scene.

Head to the lower right house to speak with Passin. Then back to the guard at
the east. Now whenever you are insight, he will chase you. Just circle around
the ladder post at near north, then head to the east. You should be able to run
faster than him.

Take the upper right/NE path.

~Elza Beach
Continue your way to the right.

Go on to the right toward the guard.

Head to the right house to the Chapel. My Chris is ar Level 15, and she learns
Sleep and Air Tornado.

Head to the right to the next area. Go to the upper right tent to speak with

After, take the upper right path to another area. Talk with the guard and you
can also try to go to the east.

After, back track. Now, get to the lower right tent and speak with Alf. Next,
take the upper right path again. You can head to the east.

Continue on to the east. At the end, go south and you would spot a guard with
a red mark. Speak with him then back track.

At the center part, you can spot the guards and others. Speak with Magisa or
that Morison.

After, continue on to the east but before you head to another area, go south
and take the stairs up. Save your game and speak with Alf.

More scene and Alf joins the party. Get near that Bazeller. Take out the two
Bazeminion, then Bazeller. Jurio, Alf and Rody can attack the Bazeminion while
Chris do the healing. This shouldn't be too hard.


<Chapter 3 - Phantom Of The Three Capitals Bridge>

Head to the righ area and go south. You should be able to pass the guard now.

~Spine Of The Great Snake
Head to the south to the next area.

Continue your way down to the most south.

~Igunis - Sharine
Go along the path and head to the north. Within the house, go left and check
the upper left bookshelf. The near person to the right house is the merchant.
You can buy the Safie Volume 6.

After, go north for more scene. Then exit out this place at south.

~Spine Of The Great Snake
Continue to lower left.

~Foot Of The Great Snake
Continue to the left.

Move on to the left.

Head to the bar at south, speak with Domingo. Just outside the bar, by the
right corner, speak with Trina. South of Trina, speak with Nox. Next, at north
and south parts of the town, speak with Gorda and Lune. Both of them should
walk off. Speak around with villagers here if you wish.

If you head to the Chapel at upper right, Chris can learn Magic Shield if she
is at Level 17.

Now, go north to the casle. Head north and you will automatically go to the 2nd
floor. Go left and up to the audience room. Head toward Alf.

After, let's explore the castle. Start with the first floor. At the lower right
room, speak with the cook Giorno. At the lower left room, you can speak with
Rody. After, head to upper left and speak with the guard there. Now, go to the
upper right and back to the second floor.

Speak with the upper right guard if you wish, make your way to the left/north
and go south to a room. Speak with the maid here if you wish. Continue to the
west and speak with Giorina. After, go to the lower left. Check the middle book
shelf. Speak with Oldman Srab here as well. Once you spoke to all the people
with red marks within the castle(the maid doesn't count), back to the town and
speak with Domingo at the bar. Then back to the room where the maid is within
the castle. Keep talking to her til she leaves. Jurio and Chris will then try
to take a rest.

If the above doesn't happen, or the maid doesn't leave the room, you might need
to go back to the town & castle and speak around.

Anyway, more scene. Then exit out the castle. Head to the bar and speak with
that Domingo. Then head to the beds to the right. Within the bar, speak with
Etos that's near. Exit out the bar for more scene.

After, head to speak with Rody at the first floor of the castle. Head to the
2nd floor and speak with Oldman Srab at lower left.

Now, to gather the food. At the second floor of the castle, speak with Giorina
then head to the southern room on the same floor. Speak with the maid to get
the Curry Spice. Speak with Magisa at the western room of the same floor as
well, you will get the Coconut Milk. Exit out the castle & head to the town.

Speak with villagers to get more food. Mohna gives you the Tomato Puree, Pierre
gives you the Beets, Coles gives you Celery, Calan gives you Carrot, Noya gives
you Onion, Sabat gives you Potato, Anne gives you Spice, Saffron, Demi Grass
Sauce and Yoghurt, Ibele gives you Sour Cream, Lune and Gorda give you Fish and
Shellfish. Domingo gives you Red Whine, Rio gives you Garlic, Verne gives you

Once you got them all, back to Chris in the castle. As for what to make, just
pick Seafood Curry. Lots of scenes after.

Head to the upper right room at the first floor. Check the left table. Head to
the kitchen to speak with Alf. Head to the lower left room to speak with Rody.
Then check the lower left bed.

More scenes. Your reward for winning the cooking contest is the Protection Ring
II. Morison will also join the party. You can head to the bar to rest. You can
now exit out at west. Besure to check out with Marte and Mohna to hear about
that Shinon Family.

~Amdera Highway
Continue on to the upper left. Continue on to the left.

~Dotta Fortress
Head west to speak with the guard. At lower left, there is the Shinon Family.
Exit out at west.

~Three Capitals Bridge
Go west all the way. You should get some scenes on the way.

~Dreaming Hihgway
You can go west.

~Wind Valley Station
Head in and speak around. Besure to speak with the man at upper left. Next, go
to the southern section for more scene with Goes.

After, head to the west entrance. Goes will join the party.


<Chapter 4 - The Forest Where The Spirit Beast Lives In>

~Forest Of Silence
Continue to the west to the next area.

Just keep going west to exit out.

Head to the bar to speak with the owner. At the Chapel, my Level 19 Chris get
to learn Cure Body and Paralyze. At the Item Shop, you can buy Safie Volume 7.

After, go to the west exit to speak with Pebla. Attempt to go south exit, then
Goes and Morison will leave the party and stay at the Inn. Now, take the north

Speak with the guards. Then go north to speak with Stock. Exit out the mansion
and go to the upper left corner to speak with the Sage.

After, go after the Sage. Within the forest, take the upper right path. Move
along the path and eventually, you will be at the top. More scene. You will get
to fight 2 GilBazeller. After that battle, you will fight Kajim. You can't beat
that Kajim, so just give up.

From the Inn, go north to the mansion again. Head in and go toward the upper
right room. More scene. Again, you will fight Kajim. Jurio and Goes can attack
while Chris and Morison support. If you got free time, use Morison to attack
with some magic. You will need to take out the 2 GilBazeller first then you can
attack that Kajim. If you have Deathblow for all characters, just unleash them
all on Kajim.

Afterward, more scene. Exit out at south exit.

~Grace Mountainous District
Continue to the south.

Move on to the right.

~Angola Road
Continue on and by the intersection, go east.

~Great Holy Gate
Go right to speak with the guard.

Speak with Klav of the Inn. Head out to south. Speak around and head to the
western area.

Speak around and head to speak with Fihlo at lower right. After, exit out the
Inn again. From here, go west to the next area.

Head to the upper left house to speak with Palen.

Anyway, Jurio must journey alone at this point. Make sure you are prepared with
enough items.

Go west til you exit out.

~Great Holy Gate
Exit out at west.

~Angola Road
This time, go south from the intersection.

~Triv Station
Go south and speak with the guard at the left. Continue on to south.

~North Heez Highway
Go south and Shirla will join the party. Go west.

Continue on to the upper left.

Exit out at south.

~North Heez Highway
Continue down to south.

~Liz's Home
Head in the near house to speak with Liz. More scene and Fillie will join the

Go back to Haizen.

Speak with Granny Meria within the upper right house. Exit out and go back all
the way to Shifool. Use the Map if you are lost.

Might as well speak with Eika and rest. Go west and speak with the Sage. Exit
out at east.

~Forest Of Silence
Go north to another area.

Continue to go north all the way.

Head to upper right corner to speak with Pad. Then head SW from where you are
to the Village Chief's house. Speak with Labah. More scene.

~The Lost Forest
First up, head north then go right. Continue along the path to north/northeast.

Second area, you SHOULD spot the blue butterfly. Chase it to the upper right.
You would spot that butterfly again, near a slate. Check the slate then back
track to the first area.

This time, aim for the west. There should be another slate on the way there.
Don't bother with that slate.

The western area, head to the most upper left and you would spot that butterfly
again. Then just go north to meet the Spirit Beast Alguleth. Then just back
track out this forest. More scene.

Everyone leaves the party, back to Jurio and Chris. Exit out the Inn. Then go
down to lower right in this area.

The Oldos Priest will ask you 5 questions. The answers are Water, Earth, Fire,
Wind and No. The answers are in order, meaning, First Q = First A, Second Q =
Second A...etc As for the last one, No is the second choice.

Continue down to south. Go lower left and make your way to north. Continue to
the north.

Head to the north and speak with the Priest Chief Lezon. After, speak with the
guard at west or east, then take the stairs up.

Then toward the central stairs. Take the stairs up. Continue to north. More
scene. After that, go back toward Oldos.

Fillie will join the party and more scene.


<Chapter 5 - The Seperated Lake>

~Greay Holy Gate
Exit out at west. Use the Map to make your way to Triv Station.

~Triv Station
Go down and speak with the right guard this time. Exit out at south.

~South Heez Highway
Continue down to the lower right.

~Louis Station
Head down and speak with the guard at the left. Head in the house and speak
with the man at the north corner. Exit out this place at west.

~South Heez Highway
Continue to the upper left.

To the upper left again. You can always fight around in this area to get some
more exp. Chris learns Holy Fall at Level 23.

Head up to upper right house to speak with Elder Majio. At the Item Shop, you
can buy the Safie Volume 8.

Speak with the guard at west. Go north.

Go up and speak with the guards at right and left. More scene. Go back to the
town. Head west.

~Heads Highway
Head up to upper left.

~Beast Trail
Continue to north.

~Liz's Home
Speak with Liz if you wish, then exit out at north. Travel back to Haizen.

Head north. Head up to the second floor.

Go right and up to meet the King. Now, go back to Liz's Home.

~Liz's Home
Fillie will leave the party. Now, head to the east.

~North Heez Highway
Go south and speak with the two guards. Speak with them again til the red marks
disappear, then go south and more scene.

~North&South Highway
Continue down to the south.

~Horuku Fortress
Head to the lower left Weapon House. After, you can check the right house but
you can not get passed. Now, go north to those two guards.

After, head to that right house and check the door. Now, head to the upper left
house. Check that shelf for the key. Now back to that right house. More scene.

Check the door again. Bellato will take away the Queen. Check the Weapon House
and Bellato's Room/Upper Right House. Go south and check the Lookout. Bellato
and the Queena are at the top. Get near them. More scene.

Head back to the town and exit out at west.

~Heads Highway
Continue to the left and a scene where Fillie leaves the party. Continue on the
road. Another scene after. Move on.

~Desired Sand Station
Head west and into the house. Continue on.

Before you exit out at west, make sure you check out that merchant at the upper
right. It offers the Magician's Staff for Chris.

After, attempt to exit out and more scene.


<Chapter 6 - The Rolling Prophecy>

~~Desired Sand Station
Exit out.

~Desert Of Thirst
Continue to the north.

Go along the path to north again. You can always get some exp but fighting the
enemies here. Jurio learns his Brave Rush around Level 26.

Lots of scenes to watch. Badatt will join the party.

Speak with people in the southern house and northeast house. Then head to the
northern area.

Speak with Talsa to the right. Speak with the guard at north. Now back to the
previous area, head back to the southwest house to speak with Nage. More scene.

~Desert Of Thirst
Head to the upper left.

~The Ruins
Go north and take the stairs down.

Take the upper left path to north. By the intersection, go to the right for a
short scene then back track. Go south this time and head to the right. Get that
item box for the Ancient Sword. Go south from there to another item box, for
the Heat Haze Armor.

Back track and make your way to the most east, for the Spider Knife within the
item box. Now, to move on. Head to the area where you get the Heat Haze Armor,
go left from there to the squared rock. Go south from there. You will get to
another item box. It's just 1000 Pia. Continue to the right.

Go down and make your way around to the north. Then just go north to exit out.

~Desert Of Thirst
Continue all the way to north.

At the upper left Item Shop, you can buy the Safie Volume 9. Yes, this is the
last one and you should have all of them now if you followed what I said.

Speak around and besure to speak with the guard at NE.

Next, speak with Salty at the Inn. You can speak with Salty again to rest. Now,
check the southern tent, speak with Offul. Go to the southwest tent, speak with
Pers. Lastly, speak with Lazum at the southeast tent. More scene. Now you can
get passed that NE guard.

Go north to the second area. Continue to the north to meet Ulgitt. More scene.

Within the cell, check around and besure to check the right wall. More scene.

Afterward, Nage/Stella will join the party. Now back to the town.

Go to the Chapel, My Level 31 Chris learns Raricure. Exit out at NW.

~Guilu Highway
Go north a bit to meet the merchant. Aside from buying from him, you can also
trade in your 9 Volumes of Safie. You will have a choice, pick Safie to get the
Famous Sword Silphing and if you pick Blood, you will get the King's Cutlas.

The stats of the two swords:
- Famous Sword Silphing, ATT+100
- King's Cutlas, ATT+100, MAT+10

Of course, pick the King's Cutlas.

Continue on to the right. Head on and you will fight Bellato. Just use all the
deathblows from characters and couple more slashes should finish off this. Go
on to the north after.

~Dilt Station
Go north. Continue to the north to the second area.

Go upper right and check with the prisoners. Then to the room at the right most
part. Next, head to the left part of this area for more scene.

After, head to the north. Continue along the path and more scene. Exit out at
north after.


<Chapter 7 - Locus Of The Pilgrim>

~Coastline Of The Witch
Continue to the north.

Speak around, head to the upper left house. Now head to the lower right house
to the Inn. Within, speak with Anon. Do rest. More scene.

Within the dream(?), check the 5 houses. Above the lower right house, speak
with Log that's on the ground.

Now back to the upper left house to meet Gioanna. Speak with her. Then she will
join you. Exit out at south.

~Coastline Of The Witch
This time, go east and go south, then east again.

Continue on to the lower right.

Head to the lower right house to speak with Jiniv and Beeda. At the Chapel,
Chris can learn Full Cure at around Level 32.

Explore around, and when you are done, head to the southern exit. Speak with
that Alice girl by the central tree. Now you can exit out to south.

Continue down all the way to the next area.

Second area, head to the east. Go south. Take the near stairs to the left.

Now, make your way around to the south and enter the door to meet some guards.
To move on, take the north stairs.

Two stairs to take, take the left one up. Go north and enter the door. More
scene. Now back track and take the right one.

Follow those two to the north and take the stairs up.

Speak with Hack. Then go south to move on. A scene with Durzel. Gioanna will
leave the party and Durzel will join you.

(BTW, Jurio, Chris, Stella and Durzel are the final party members of the game)

Enter the secret path. Take the stairs down til you get to this water area.

Go in the water and head north. Continue to the north and you would end up at
the entrance of this place. Exit out at north.

Exit out the town at north and travel back to Aroza.

Exit out at upper right.

~Winter Solstice Street
Straight to the upper left.

To the upper left once again.

~ForgetMeNot Highway
Head to the north for a scene.

~Gerd Hill
Head to the right. Then go north a bit to check that sword, Esperanza. More

Rap's Staff changes to the Gerd's Staff. That's Chris' strongest weapon. As for
Jurio, he gets Durzel's sword, Esperanza. This is Jurio's strongest weapon.

After, more scene.


<Chapter 8 - The Gentle Witch> (Final Chapter)

~Gerd Hill
Back track to the west.

~ForgetMeNot Highway
Head to the north all the way.

Go on to the upper left.

Head to the near right house and speak with Sanpe. Then go up to the second
floor of this Inn. Go north. Then exit out the Inn and go north to the second

Head to the right house at north. Speak with Mos-Kos. Then head up to the 2nd
floor. Go into the empty room at the right. More scene.

Afterward, head to the guards at north and keep talking to them. Go all the way
to north to the audience room. Go north to meet Lepas and King Rudolf.

Take the left path and go north. Continue your way to NE corner to take the
stairs down. Go south and head right a bit. Go north to 5 item boxes. Go back
and to the right a bit to a door. North of that leads to 3 item boxes. Moving
on to the right a bit more again, go north for 2 more item boxes. Now, you can
go right a bit more and continue to the north.

Continue on to the NE part, there are 2 item boxes and another stairs down. Do
not bother with the stairs yet. It leads to an area with a locked door and you
don't have the key to open it. So, time to back track all the way to the
audience room where Lepad was.

This time, go right to chase after Lepas. Take the stairs up at NW. Then go all
the way to north. Take the stairs down and go northeast. Continue all the way
to north. More scene. You will get the key you need. Now return to the audience

This time, go left once again. With the key, you can now get passed that locked
door from before.

Head straight to north. More scene with Kajim. Now, this is a sort of large
area to be explored fully. But, most of the paths are linked. You eventually
can head to the same path. I will just list my path:

Go right, then up and take the near stairs. Next, head around to the near right
stairs. Go north and go right. Then go down. Don't take the south stairs, but
take the stairs at MOST south(SE corner). Continue on and a scene with Alf.

Go north and 3 paths to take. Take the right path and more scene with Goes and
Shirla. Continue on to north. There are two paths to take, left and right. It
doesn't matter which path, take the left one because it's shorter.

Continue on to the left. Shortly, you can head directly to south for another
stairs. Next, go all the way to SW corner. From there, go up all the way to yet
another stairs. Continue on down and more scene. Then continue on to the next

Continue on to the left and go all the way to north. Take the right stairs. Go
on down to south and take the stairs. To the south again and another stairs.
Continue on and you will finally arrive by the door. Enter the door. There are
two stairs to take. The right stairs can lead you back out if you need to go
back to the town to restock.

(Most importantly, at the Chapel, Chris can learn Resurrect. My Chris is at
Level 42. At the Kand, Stella can learn Thunder Sphere. My Stella is also at
Level 42)

To move on, take the left stairs.

~Isabel's Tower
Continue to north for another stairs. Continue on, then start with the NW room
that contains an item box, then move on from the south door. Continue on and
take another stairs at the end.

Move around to south to take another stairs, then again, move on to another set
of stairs. Next, through another door at SE and another stairs after. Continue
on, and you will end up outside.

Continue down to north and eventually, more scene. Continue to the south. That
Liz can sell you items, as for Fillie, she can heal you. Either path is fine
since they both lead to the north. More scene. Go on to the north.

Save your game and go up to confront Lepas. Of course, you get to fight him
along with 4 Vandon. Really easy battle here, have Jurio and Durzel to focus on
Lepas, then Chris and Stella can heal or cast Attack Up on Jurio and Durzel.

After, more scene. You should have 100% Chronology if you have done everything
right. Besure to save your game. Exit out at south. More scene.

Afterward, you can speak with Liz and Fillie as well. Back track to north. Be
sure to save your game again before you get to the outside.

Once you are outside, more scene and finally, the final battle of the game:

- Queen Isabel -
Finish off the 4 side enemies then on to Queen Isabel. The rest is rather easy,
just attack with Jurio and Durzel, with Stella using Attack Up on them. Chris
and Stella can support. Use Jurio's Deathblow when you can. That's about it and
this will take a while. So besure you can heal frequently for a while.

After that, sit back and enjoy the ending.

At the end, the game will promt you to make a Clear Data. Do so. This is for
"Eiyuu Densetsu IV: Akai Shizuku/Legend Of Heroes IV: A Tear of Vermilion"
(Gagharv Trilogy) for the PSP. If you load this Clear Data into that game, you
will get Extra Scenario.



- Me
- CJayC
- Falcom
- Bandai


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